modeller, that is the first reason I chose to put my little boy into nursery, admittedly just one day a week as I can't afford more. I don't have many friends living nearby who have little ones of the same age, and I am fortnuate enough to have family queuing up to I didn't 'need' to put him in...however, as much as I miss him terribly, prefer he was with a member of family, and it didn't cost me anything...I know he is interacting and socialising better with other children the same age, something a day nursery can best provide - especially as we are losing our Surestart centres. He has only been going a few weeks and already I have seen a marked difference in him.
I completely agree with you Lofty in principle (sorry if the topic has gone somewhat off), why have kids if you can't afford them? We waited a number of years until we were financially more stable! It makes my blood boil seeing people who have a huge number of children earning thousands in benefits every year!! But thats another matter entirely...