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Not for the faint hearted

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emmie | 17:36 Thu 05th Apr 2012 | News
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this takes some beating.....


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When I was last in The Northern Territory we were sitting in the car one night minding our own business (eating fish and chips actually) when a large Praying Mantis appeared from under the dash and tried to invade me Stubbies!

I almost dropped me Tinny.
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i think he must have some very large cojones...
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i recall a sojourn in North Africa many years ago, and seeing this rather strange creature jump onto our dining table, you have never seen so many people run out of a restaurant in your life. It wasn't really scary, a hopping, flying insect, but it went from one table to another, and then under and then back up again.
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master of the understatement...

"As the plane was landing the snake was crawling down my leg, which was frightening."

Better than it crawling <up> his leg
I would seriously DROP DEAD!!!!!

Snakes n spiders actually put me off visiting certain countries because if they came anywhere near me id freak!!! Id love to go to aus & thailand etc x
In the wilder Tropo parts of Oz, what seemed to upset the Aussies on the camp-sites- bearing in mind most Aussies are suburbanites who live in a permanent cloud of fly spray and insecticide - was the huge frogs and toads that would join them in the showers
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zeuhl, thing is where had it been, takes some doing sitting there whilst it was crawling over him.
What amazes me is the way even modern planes have cavities where all sorts of creatures can disappear into

Having mice nibbling your control cabling might be bad too
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i have been trying to remember the name of this large insect that flew, jumped on our table that time, it will come to me i am sure...... btw i had never seen such large insects as the ones came across in North Africa, hornets or very large bees not sure, but one missed my head by a fraction, and would have done some serious damage had it hit or stung me..
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that's without the geckos that pervaded the rooms, ah bless.
<<North Africa many years ago, and seeing this rather strange creature jump onto our dining table,>>

was it a sunglasses salesman?

Seriously though ... the exotics are good aren't they?
If it had happened in the UK, David Cameron would have called for a meeting of COBRA.....
Reminds me of a trip I made to the US. When arriving back at home and unpacking suitcase a black widow spider popped out.
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rov not good, though i think this aussie must be pretty cool.
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that wasn't what was supposed to happen, anyway it was a rather large grasshopper, and rather unfriendly at that.
Aussie out in the bush is pointing percy at the porcelain, when a snake sinks its fangs into the exposed member.

He collapses in agony, so his cobber rings the emergency doctor ...

... doctor tells his mate, “If you want to save his life, you need to suck the poison out.” His mate nods, and hangs up the phone.

Aussie asks his friend “What did the doctor say?”

Friend looks at him ominously and says, “You're going to die mate” ...
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ho hummm
People, huh! When I was up a tributary of the Amazon, staying in a settlement of wooden huts, an American woman went to the organizer to complain saying "There's a bug in my room!" Really? An insect in the rain forest? How strange ! What she said at night, when she went in her 'room' with a hurricane lamp, and the whole wall moved, I never discovered. Loads of cockroaches covered the bamboo walls and, when you shone light in , the whole mass moved as one, to hide in the crevices.
Still, I was startled by one tree frog. It was in where I took a shower (pulled the string on the overhead bucket) because it liked the extra damp then.

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