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Have the Tories finally lost it?

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youngmafbog | 06:40 Mon 09th Apr 2012 | News
20 Answers
Just what is going through the brains of these idiots? Now they want to dictate what we do to our homes, all in the name of 'green' of course.
Now I know we are in a power problem due to Noo Labours failure to build Nuclear power stations but this is nuts. How can they even consider dictating to ordinary people what they can do with their homes.

We need an election and this lot out.


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Lost what? What do they want us to do in our homes? I don't know what you're talking about.
Naomi, from what I caught on the Beeb news this morning, it's something to do with taxing conservatories. Presumably it'll be new-builds and not existing ones.
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Naomi, turn the telly on and you will see it.
Any chance for a rant against the coalition, true to form. We do need an election to put Labour firmly to bed as it wasnt that long that they destroyed the economy.

It could be the suggestion of making folk upgrade their insulation if they decide to change out their boiler (something on R4 this morning)
youngmafblog, you're asking me to turn the on telly to find out what you're talking about? Are you serious?

Thanks Alba. No doubt I'll catch the news later.
*telly on
>>>>Now they want to dictate what we do to our homes,

There are already many rules about what you can do with your home.

I have just had an extension built and the builder had to follow all sorts of rules about size of foundations, width of wall insulation, and amount of roof insulation.

So I cant see the difference.

Also it seems a bit extreme to want to ditch a party that wants to make this small change, and re-elect a party that put this country into massive debt that will take decades to pay off.
No need to switch on the telly, it is all so easy.


All down to reducing the nation’s carbon footprint it seems.

And if you believe that, well.........
From that article

"Critics say the scheme is yet another grab from the incomes of people who are already struggling to heat their homes or make ends meet. "

If I were struggling to pay to heat my home, I wouldn't be looking to build a conservatory.

/// We need an election and this lot out. ///

Maybe, but the problem is who do we replace them with, surely not the ones who they replaced?
If "this lot" are ejected, we get back the spendthrifts who got us into this pathetic financial state in the first place. I'll stay as we are, thank you.
Thanks AOG, but this isn't a Tory initiative. The last Labour government came up with a similar idea a long time ago and intended to implement it after the election - which they lost.

The "failure" to build nuclear power stations stems from a rather Thatcherite principle that the state should not subsidise the huge decomissioning costs.

It seems private industry is rather hesitant to build nuclear power stations on those terms.

I'd have thought you would have approved of "market forces" in this way.

You're not coming over to a Franco-socialist-state-led view of power supply point of view are you?
// ...due to Noo Labours failure to build Nuclear power stations. //

Not noticed this lot have commissioned any new nuclear power station either. They have been in two years now and have achieved zilch.
As you probably will have noticed from previous posts I am no lover of the coalition we have at present, but think about it for a minute or two. If some people have added amenities to their homes like extensions, swimming pools, conservatories,etc. & other people are having to manage with for example 1 up & 1 down, surely it is time that the council tax system is made fairer & adjusted so that those with more local amenities pay considerably more than those without.

W Ron.
We all know green taxes were invented because all the other taxes had reached a ceiling and there was nowhere else to tax us.
Ron, //If some people have added amenities to their homes like extensions, swimming pools, conservatories,etc. & other people are having to manage with for example 1 up & 1 down, surely it is time that the council tax system is made fairer & adjusted so that those with more local amenities pay considerably more than those without.//

I don't see how that's fair at all. Those with bigger properties already pay considerably more Council Tax than others, and the homeowner has paid for the extras you mention. None of them are costing other Council Tax payers anything.
Yes, I think this is a step too far and to suggest that those who can't afford the 'extra' payments can get a loan. Will there be interest payable on this loan? I have never taken a loan in my life...I live by the philosophy if you can't afford it, you can't have it.
I'm with you there seadragon.why do people want expensive lifestyles without the income to support it.

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