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Romney has described his view of national community as one in which observant Catholics, Baptists, Methodists, Jews and Muslims are inside that community = the nonobservant are not. He does not even show a perfunctory sentence showing respect for the non religious.
In Romney's mind, if you believe in the science of the big bang, then you have no place in American (or Western) society.
People who do not believe in a divine Creator will have no place in a Romney administration, regardless of their political or diplomatic abilities.
The governance of American politics would be based upon the compulsory belief in a supernatural figure, whom most of the educated West do not worship, or believe to exist.
And, at the same time, Romney will call Muslim societies backward and primitive because of their adherence to an ancient faith.
And Romney will try to agrue that this is a rational standpoint ... rather than one that is, frankly, loony.