the thing about being 'in the wrongbody' is that 'inside' they are the opposite sex - so at 80 whats the point of taking hormones, havingsurgey etc - if inside you stay the same?
lets face it its not going to be for sex or to find a partner, or to look good is it?
as much as i sympathise with people who genuinely feel this way and it affects their happiness - but surely thats their problem?... same as me having no money, problems with my car, my house, my looks etc etc - all those affect my mental health but i dont expect others to fund me to make me feel better.
i am very much a non conformist, live and let live kind of person and i love the variety in people - in fact 'weirder' the better... but not at the expense of others... i am inclined to believe that for many of these situations its somewhat self indulgent and attention seeking... not all, but some...and even thats fine "whatver gets you through the night" ... but as i say not when it deprives others ...' andi think this one is one of them...