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BORIS Johnson

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BayBoy1 | 08:58 Mon 16th Jul 2012 | News
58 Answers
Does anyone know the name of Boris Johnsons hairdresser, and does he iron his own shirts.Is it also true he is playing Wurzal Gummage in panto this year.????


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I like him on 'Have I got News for You"
Neither can I lofty.
It's a bit like someone like Tommy Cooper being Mayor of London, Tony. They make you laugh as soon as you see them, even before they do anything- Eric Morecombe was another one.
Exactly, Lofty.
When he was running for mayor he did make some effort to try and tidy it up to promote a more serious image, but it didn't really work.
He looked like a kid whose mum had hurriedly combed his hair because they were having guests round.
If it was anything to do with me I would not let him anywhere near a camera especially when the Olympics are on
The World is watching - especially the French
You don't get to be editor of The Spectator by being a complete idiot

He got it a while after being sacked by The Times for making up a quote.
True Ric.ror

I don't think he is a good representative for London. Too easy to take the p out of. But who cares what the french think anyway....................... They haven't got a lot going for their image.
Boris is good for London if for no other reason than we dont have to listen to the non stop leftie drivel that the odious newt livinginthepaststone used to regularly spout.
My ex used to have a real thing for him after finding out he used to hire a taxi and spend hours driving round London at the dead of night having sex with his mistress whilst listening to opera....takes all sorts :-S
i like him, and i do think he is a better Mayor of London than Red Ken.
Boris pedals away from events on his bike... round the corner, then hops in a limo with his bike in the boot. Ken travelled by tube (I used to see him).
ken looked after Ken, biggest hypocrite in politics.
examples, em?
A participant in tax avoidance schemes, apparently, jno.
legal ones; why is that a problem? (Don't give me Jimmy Carr!)
Probably every politican can be accused of such excesses: However this was raked up by BJ about KL

"The ex-Mayor may rant and rave, but if anyone knows about excess it is he. The profligate way he spent London’s money as Mayor should be a cause for shame. Holidays to Havana (see pic.) for him and his pals, Monte Cristo cigars, first class all the way, have hardly benefited London. One trip cost £36K, and Ken described this as modest. Then, for no discernible reason, there was a trip to Delhi, for £34KK. Let’s not mention the dinner for Hugo Chavez for £20,500 – well not more than twenty times anyway. "
Jimmy Carr may have been legal but is it ethically right? - and for a politician like Red Ken (or any other Lord, MP, Mayor, Councillor) to be pulling such stunts. Me thinks not.
It's rumoured that his hairdresser has taken out an injunction to protect his identity.
first he has lambasted those who cheat or dodge the tax system, he has also castigated some men for having any number of children with different women, and not supporting them, all the while doing both.
Then being a friend to endless number of despots, terrorists, i know that politicians often do this, but have a look at his track record. He is left of left in the grand scheme of things, and i despise him with a passion. He was profligate when in GLC, spend spend spend, and was the bane of many people's lives not least in his own party. Perhaps he looks a muddled old fool now, but i know him of old from our local council, and for a long time after that.

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