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Creationist Schools

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Gromit | 08:13 Wed 18th Jul 2012 | News
41 Answers
Should the Government approve and fund by the taxpayer, schools run by Creationist Groups?


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I'd much rather we followed the French secular approach and left religion to the parents and leave it out of schools altogether.

I'm sick to death of being called a bigot for opposing religious schools, usually by parents who say "My child is entitled to a religious upbringing". Of course it is, so get off your lazy @rse and take them to the indoctrination...
08:37 Wed 18th Jul 2012
> Should the Government approve and fund by the taxpayer, schools run by Creationist Groups?

No, but I don't think it stops at creationist groups. The whole "free schools" idea is cracked.

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