I have been waiting all day for someone to start this thread - didn't want to kick it off, i have been too busy at work to write something properly.
I see this purely and simply as the downside of free speech and mass media.
Years ago, the Self-Righteous Brothers would all meet up in the Bigot's Arms and try to out-do each other with how worked up they could get by a perceived wrong-doing by the police to an upstanding citizen who loved his muvver and that ...
No problem, like minds speak to like minds, agree with each other, and go home happy.
Now they have a computer each, and access to a platform for their numpty views.
The best the rest of us can do is simply ignore them - giving them an argument only increases their self of correctness, and solves nothing.
It upsets and offends people - but as I say, it is part of free speech, albeit nasty and ill-formed, but tl deny everyone a voice for their views, however repugnant, takes away the freedoms of us all, so we must put up with it and move on.