News1 min ago
should they have given her a lift home ?
http:// ...ting hamshir e-19850 630
A very sad case but.
As she was at a family party were there no friends or relations to drive her home, no one to give her money for a taxi, and should the police be used as a taxi service for drunks or tipsy people on their way home after a night out.
A very sad case but.
As she was at a family party were there no friends or relations to drive her home, no one to give her money for a taxi, and should the police be used as a taxi service for drunks or tipsy people on their way home after a night out.
it is really unrealistic for police to take every drunk girl home. as someone else has said, i wouldn't have been in that situation - i always book a taxi home and never drink my taxi money. why couldn't a relative have helped? if people start blaming the police, they should also blame the relatives for letting her walk home alone.
19:38 Fri 05th Oct 2012
joko, i totally agree and said so earlier on in these posts. Any time of the day or night, but at least during the day time, one would hope that the woman, girl wouldn't be plastered.
Mamy i read the piece, what can one say other than that is one persons opinion, apart of course from the ones who added few comments.
Mamy i read the piece, what can one say other than that is one persons opinion, apart of course from the ones who added few comments.
TWR ... yes i understand your post - you were saying - if you saw someone potentially in danger you would call the police and tell them - so pretty much the same as most other people would do really...
not really sure why would were saying it so determinedly though - its kind of a given and what most other people have said theyd do too...
not really sure why would were saying it so determinedly though - its kind of a given and what most other people have said theyd do too...
I can't make sense of TWR's post, either.
IMO the police should not have given this woman a lift home. It's not their job - if they were called to an emergency en route should they tip her out wherever they may be and proceed to the job; take her with them; refuse to take the urgent job to get her home?
If she were sick in the car that car and the police officers would be out of action whilst the car was cleaned up.
The police are not responsible in any way for this murder. The blame lies solely with the murderer.
IMO the police should not have given this woman a lift home. It's not their job - if they were called to an emergency en route should they tip her out wherever they may be and proceed to the job; take her with them; refuse to take the urgent job to get her home?
If she were sick in the car that car and the police officers would be out of action whilst the car was cleaned up.
The police are not responsible in any way for this murder. The blame lies solely with the murderer.
You are not supposed to stop on the motorway to help others - and here's why.
http:// www.dai lymail. ...tran ded-mot orist.h tml
on a normal road TWR i daresay many would have stopped ... but on a motorway you shouldnt. people will have assumed she is waiting for help.
and really how many murders etc would be expected to be hanging around on motorway verges on the offchance of a lone woman just so happening to breakdown nearby? they could be there months before they got lucky!
i would be more wary of a bloke who did stop to be honest - just in case.
besides what can anyone else do if they stop? unless you can fix cars you are no use.
fact is, if someone stopped and she accepted a lift - she could still have been killed.
and people would have been saying - 'oh if only shed turned the lift down and stayed by the car and waited for help - she must be really stupid for accepting a lift with a stranger, especially with her kids, putting them in danger too, how selfish '...
would you accept a lift from a stranger in those circumstances? or wait for the police?
fact is you just dont know
and really how many murders etc would be expected to be hanging around on motorway verges on the offchance of a lone woman just so happening to breakdown nearby? they could be there months before they got lucky!
i would be more wary of a bloke who did stop to be honest - just in case.
besides what can anyone else do if they stop? unless you can fix cars you are no use.
fact is, if someone stopped and she accepted a lift - she could still have been killed.
and people would have been saying - 'oh if only shed turned the lift down and stayed by the car and waited for help - she must be really stupid for accepting a lift with a stranger, especially with her kids, putting them in danger too, how selfish '...
would you accept a lift from a stranger in those circumstances? or wait for the police?
fact is you just dont know
I would like to know how you can just drag a woman into a police station....
the reason I would not pick her up? I once give a person a lift to N/hampton many years ago the area I used to stop at was near the police station, this bitch tried it on regards money, until I dragged her into the police station, the police knew the lorry as we used to stop there on a regular basis.
the reason I would not pick her up? I once give a person a lift to N/hampton many years ago the area I used to stop at was near the police station, this bitch tried it on regards money, until I dragged her into the police station, the police knew the lorry as we used to stop there on a regular basis.