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What is happening to England?

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anotheoldgit | 12:51 Sun 25th Nov 2012 | News
159 Answers

It would now seem that our children are no longer safe walking home from school these days.

This brutal savage sex attack, comes close on the heels of the death of a 85 year old woman, who was knocked to the ground and killed, by two young muggers snatching her bag.

Also A man who carried out a shocking unprovoked attack on a young 16-year-old girl who was punched to the ground from behind.


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/// Apology not necessary, maybe I got caught in the crossfire of the discussion. ///

/// Terrible things happen in the world , I just heard the news item and thought how awful. ///

Even so I will apologise to you because after reading your later posts it seems that you had not been following this lengthy thread.

But please ignore the others and tell me if you yourself would have thought your answer to be sarcastic?

Seeing that the thread was into it's 80th answer and for someone to just step in and make the following remarks:

"Heard on the radio driving home an hour ago that an 11 year old girl was attacked sexually. Not sure of the details but it appears that it is not safe for children to walk home alone".

Especially when my first paragraph stated

/// It would now seem that our children are no longer safe walking home from school these days. ///
Nobody knows why you have a problem with this statement AOG. Would you care to explain?
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I get rather tired of trying to explain things to some on this site, either they are a little slow on the uptake or they are past masters at being sarcastic, so much so that they can't recognise sarcasm.

But I will try again.

If you yourself had entered a thread about a particular news item, and it was already into it's 80th post, and then for someone to suddenly step in with a remark that was repeat of what your thread was all about, as if they knew nothing of what had gone on previously, wouldn't you also class that as a sarcastic jibe?
Is it not odd that no-one else thought the statement was sarcastic, anotheoldgit? Another point, if someone is a past master at sarcasm, how would they not be able to recognise sarcasm?
or they are past masters at being sarcastic, so much so that they can't recognise sarcasm

You appear to be the only one who recognised some sarcasm inaroundtheblocks post AOG.........Seems you are so good at spotting it that you can see it even when it is not there, well done you.

Anyway I will say no more because it is clear that so long as you encrypt your bigotry you are free to peddle it and if anyone asks you about the bigotry there post will be removed. So once again....carry on, you are doing a smashing job.
^ their
I saw no sarcasm whatsoever.
"If you yourself had entered a thread about a particular news item, and it was already into it's 80th post, and then for someone to suddenly step in with a remark that was repeat of what your thread was all about, as if they knew nothing of what had gone on previously, wouldn't you also class that as a sarcastic jibe?"

Nothing sarcastic in the post.

Nothing at all.
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/// (Before I forget: I condemn in the strongest possible terms the craven, vicious attacks on Tasneem Kabir and Paula Castle.) ///

But not the young school girl it seems, which was the whole point of my post.

This poor child's sufferings came short on the tail of a pensioner being murdered, and another young girl attacked while she was just walking down the street, and this is what 'broke the camel's back' for me, so much so that I had to shout out "WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ENGLAND" a perfectly reasonable question to set.

I was not being offensive or rude to anyone, but then just look at the response I got.

It first started with accusations of a racial manner, followed by this post, it was this post that set the course for the way my thread turned out.

/// These instances you detail are all shocking, horrifying even, to any right minded individual. They should be condemned unreservedly, the perpetrators punished. Who would attempt to say otherwise? ///

That is all that needed to be said, but then it went on,

/// But reciting a list of such offences does not, of itself,offer proof of any kind of general cultural decline into a brutish hinterland. unless you can objectively demonstrate that things were better in some other England (And what about Wales, or Scotland, or are they hopelessly beyond redemption?) - An Albion where people were excellent to each other, that such actions rarely or never happened, or that somehow such actions are more vicious than they ever were. ///

Why was I wrong to list those other attacks that had taken place all in one week? But then the poster didn't stop there, obviously taking on board the previous racial jibes, (that incidentally were later removed) he went on to imply that I was offering some proof that there was a general decline into a brutish hinterland all very dramatic I must say, and the rest one can read themselves, ie reference to Scotland, Wales, or are they hopelessly beyond redemption?

/// And you can't. ///

Just those three words are confrontational and unnecessary.

And then further

/// The reality is that there is no Jerusalem - a land bathed in the golden glow of righteousness from which we have strayed through immigration and multiculturalism or banning corporal punishment. Such a vision of the past usually comes from wearing rose-tinted spectacles. ///

Notice the reference to the following: Jerusalem, immigration, multiculturalism, the banning of capital punishment, and then the 'Rose-Tinted Spectacles' jibe, all totally unnecessary and abusive.

I then answered this post thus:

/// Such a vision of the past usually comes from wearing rose-tinted spectacles. :) ///

No such visions comes from living long enough to be able to make comparisons.

No matter how some would wish to ignore the fact, these types of crimes, stabbings and shootings are happening almost on a daily basis.

The rest is history.

For anyone that can be bothered to read all this I hope it goes some way to explain how this thread got high-jacked by some, for their own gratification.

And even if no one reads this at least it has gone down on record, to prove that I wasn't the instigator in all this.
'No such visions comes from living long enough to be able to make comparisons'
So, you've made it your life's work to check crime statistics in every area of the world, not to mention this country, to be able to make this statement?
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<<No matter how some would wish to ignore the fact, these types of crimes, stabbings and shootings are happening almost on a daily basis. >>

They may well be. But some of us happen to believe that it was ever thus and that there was no 'golden crimeless age' as you would have us agree.
trigger, yes i believe they are, our borough has seen plenty in recent days.
it's nonsense to think we live in a time of more crime, if you lived in London
in the 18th century, your chances of being robbed, raped, murdered were pretty high. Nothing much has changed except the laws. Then you could have been hanged for sodomy, let's hope we aren't going back to those times.
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/// Another point, if someone is a past master at sarcasm, how would they not be able to recognise sarcasm? ///

Simply because it comes as second nature to them, so much so that they themselves don't recognise it.

Just like a person who is a perpetual swearer, they don't recognise they are using swear words.

Incidentally while on the subject of swearing, can we also bring in bad manners, insults, and jibes, just notice who the main culprits for these are on this thread alone.
Come on AOG, answer the most recent points, don't drag up the old ones.

Up to 60,000 young people, mostly male, may be stabbed and injured each year, the equivalent of more than 160 victims a day, according to a worst-case estimate for knife violence in England and Wales.
On the other hand, the figure may be around 22,000 each year for victims aged 10 - 25-year-old.

Birmingham Accident Hospital admits 100 stabbings a year.
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/// They may well be. But some of us happen to believe that it was ever thus and that there was no 'golden crimeless age' as you would have us agree. ///

I would not have you or anyone else agree such a thing, so please don't suggest I have, it is simply just not true.

How many more times have I to say this?

Of course there was 'no golden crime-less age' one would be an idiot to say otherwise, but if one cannot be concerned with what is happening around us 'today' without some harking back to pre 'Peeler' days or before, it all becomes similar to burying one's head in the sand.

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