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Scouts to open it's doors to atheists.

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anotheoldgit | 17:48 Tue 04th Dec 2012 | News
151 Answers

Along with all other discipline it seems, who told that kid he could bend the peak of his uniform cap in such a way?

Soon they will be allowed to wear the peak either at the side or at the back.

What is the World coming to?


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AOG, //What is the World coming to?//

I’m not sure if that refers to the possible acceptance of atheists into the scouts, or to the kid bending the peak of his cap. Could you please clarify?
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/// Well, that lets my kids in at last but I don't think they will bother. ///

So they are old enough to make their own minds up regarding religion are they, or do they have to take on their father's stance?

In which case I can see why they won't be bothered in joining the Scouts, taking the attitude of their Dad.
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AB Editor

/// The question could be: "Are they not a Christan group any more?" they certainly were , does them being inclusive effect their "Christian Group" status? ///

Not in the least Ed, but being a Christian group means that anyone is welcome to join, but there are certain rules and ceremonies one must adhere to.

For example, an atheist would be only too welcome if they wished to join the Church, but the question is why would they wish to?
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AOG, //What is the World coming to?//

/// I’m not sure if that refers to the possible acceptance of atheists into the scouts, or to the kid bending the peak of his cap. Could you please clarify? ///

All part of the same thing, a lax in attitudes these days.

Would I be wrong to say "NEVER HAPPENED IN MY DAY"

In fact I can never even remember anyone being an 'Atheist', or even a 'REPUBLICAN'.

Most if not all honoured God and the King/Queen.

There are fewer church-goers than there were 50 years ago. People may tick the box saying 'Christian', but for many that simply means that they will go to a church at Christmas rather than a synogogue or mosque.
As someone who does believe in god I am delighted to see that the subject is being taken so seriously that children can be honest about it.
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/// There are fewer church-goers than there were 50 years ago.///

That is quite true, but is that a good thing or a bad thing?

We won't delve back too far in history when many bad things happened on behalf of Christianity so as to prove a certain point.

Let's just go back to the 30s for example, most families were God fairing, which wasn't a bad thing,it not only held the family together but also the Nation.

Even for those families not particularly what one would call religious, would observe the Sabbath, also making sure their children did likewise.

It was a matter of 'best clothes' on from first thing in the morning, that meant no playing outside in case they got mucky, after a family dinner, it was off to Sunday School, and later off for a walk in the afternoon, followed by 'Sunday Tea' mainly Salad and fruit and cream for 'afters', then off for evening service at the church.

Not much fun by today's standards one may say, but it did set us up for the week ahead, and much more acceptable for the long religious based assembly each school morning, and our Scouts promise on Scout's night.
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/// As someone who does believe in god I am delighted to see that the subject is being taken so seriously that children can be honest about it. ///

Children only 'mirror image' their parents teachings.
One of the signs that the world is generally getting better -apart from the steady reduction in deaths in international conflict and the decline in violent crime in the developed world - is the disappearance of 'God fearing'

Clearly that sort of medieval thinking is only a step up from voodoo and the threats of a witch-doctor but perhaps aog (or anyone) could try and explain:

1. why it is a good thing to control people through fear
2. how are you supposed to maintain that control when people become more enlightened and questioning

Or are questioning and enlightenment also things to be suppressed?
<Children only 'mirror image' their parents teachings.>

So aog
you've never come across any children who defy or contradict their parents' teachings?

In my experience, most atheists brought up in religious families did exactly that, instinctively, from an early age.
AOG, //All part of the same thing, a lax in attitudes these days.//

//Most if not all honoured God and the King/Queen.//

Why are they ‘lax’ attitudes? There’s no evidence for the existence of God, and the Queen has been born into a privileged position, so I’d say the attitudes of those who don’t automatically defer to either are considered rather than lax – which isn’t a bad thing because it means people are becoming more educated, and hence, confident in their own opinions – even if those opinions do buck the status quo. It’s high time that, in some instances, the status quo was ‘bucked’!
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/// Well, that lets my kids in at last but I don't think they will bother. ///

So they are old enough to make their own minds up regarding religion are they, or do they have to take on their father's stance?

They are very intelligent kids and have made up their own minds. The only god they do believe in is me ;0)
The Mayans were right - the world is ending!
^^ Bugger! I've just ordered a load of Christmas presents from Amazon. :o/
"Children only 'mirror image' their parents teachings."

golly, no one told my parents or my sisters or my sister's kids or their kids!!!
"Children only 'mirror image' their parents teachings."

One of mine must be colour blind ........ he supports Liverpool :0(
//"Children only 'mirror image' their parents teachings."//

If that’s true, and if in your day most honoured God and the King/Queen, and you don’t recall there being any atheists, I have to ask where those parents who fail to lead their children along what you think is the right path got their ideas from?
"Children only 'mirror image' their parents teachings."
Not always. When told by my parents that I must vote Labour, I decided to vote Tory, which I have done ever since, albeit holding my nose at times.
naomi; //the Queen has been born into a privileged position//. Would you wish to have that privilege? I don't think so.
what does that have to do with naomi's point?
whether one covets the queen's position or not doesn't change the fact that it is 'privileged'.

Nor does it alter the question of whether it should automatically receive unthinking deference.

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