a high proportion of these immigrants come here all "kitted" up, they know their rights they know what they can get, where to go to get it, what to say who to say it to, they will already know of "solicitors" in their areas (you know, the ones that have a sign saying immigration problems dealt with, nearly always africans and asians themselves) that they are going to live in that will "help" them out, they have networks to help them get through, round , over all sorts of officialdom and of legal obstacles.
specifically asians and africans have been ripping us off for decades and the worst thing of all is all the deniers, plenty on this site, that no matter what, just refuse to believe it.
and people wonder why this country is losing its identity and its culture...politicians of all governments have colluded to help destroy this country and the eu will be the final nail in the coffin unless something is done and quickly....but of course none of its true is it ?!