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Boomaker Robbery

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gordie1 | 00:38 Sun 27th Jan 2013 | News
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What a shame for that poor guy who died robbing Ladbrokes with an immitation gun I know it was wrong I wonder whether he had a heartattack?


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No-one said that Gness, stop trying to twist my words.
Bednobs- I've always lived in the real world thanks hence my opinions on it. I have found however increasingly that the views expressed on here lately are getting less and less in tune with what I am comfortable with to quite a large degree. Whilst I fully respect anyone's right to their opinion there is only so long that I'm prepared to batter my head against a very thick brick wall before I chuck the towel in and concentrate on something either more ambient or more important. Life's too short for me to argue the point with people who simply don't want to see it, but I don't need to be reading threads where people's attitudes actually make me feel physically ill, and a lot do because there are a lot of Gallow's Knitters on here and less and less genuine debate.
Gness, you obviously do not believe your own last sentence!!!!
hey nox, i didn't mean to offend you, and sorry if i did. I guess you must move in very different circles to me - everyone without exception that i've talked to about this (admittedly only about 6 people) had very little sympathy for the man. And i only like nice people :)
Of course she doesn't, THAT is exactly my point.
I'm not twisting your words. You said I added to the problem. That was not what I spent my working life trying to do but obviously in your opinion failed.
The problem is Nox is you see good in everybody and you seem to try and imply that no one is bad, it does grind a bit!! some people are just bloody horrible but I also get your point that so many of these people just dont and didnt need to die!
Sorry Ratter?????I'm being a bit slow.
Bednobs no-one offended me least of all you, and yeah I do make sure that I move in circles that I am comfortable with having moved in circles that now make me recoil with horror. I'm just a wee bit disenchanted with the world at present, because massive change is very possible and surprisingly easy, but it happens so rarely and one of the main reasons is the idea that people are a waste of space, dangerous and cannot change and that they have no value. I think it's the idea that this person's whole life was valueless to the majority of posters that has really got up my nose. Probably time I shut up ; /
perhaps you have a different view from everyone else, because you have been a nasty person and you HAVE managed to get redemption, and you can see yourself in the man that died, whereas the majority of people, thankfully have no knowledge of what it's like to be in prison, or even on the wrong side of the law.
Cod psychology at it's best there :)
So NOX could you justify your argument and illustrate to us some of the positive points of his life.......

There is good in everyone Ratter, overwhelming bad sometimes as well, I'm not daft, but the principle always has to be the cultivation of the good part however small that might be or you just end up with the bad.
Don't take it personally Gness, it's not worth you worrying about what I think or don't think, as long as you always did your best no-one can ask any more of you, and I'm sure you did a lot of good. It was certainly not meant as a personal attack, I just answered you truthfully that I think EVERYONE ought to feel sorrow at the death of another human being.
The real tragedy is, NOX, that this man has been annoying, robbing, terrorising and generally making life unpleasant for his fellow beings for 37 years and nothing has been done to properly curtail his activities. He has no doubt been party to no end of disposals throughout his “career”, many of them designed to help him with his addictions and other problems. For these to be successful he has to be a willing participant and want to succeed in their aims.

He was not an eighteen year old who may have taken the opportunity to turn his life round. He was fifty and had been “at it” for more than three decades. The principle responsibility of the criminal justice system in cases such as his must be the protection of the public. Rehabilitation in his case is a fanciful dream. Those in the rehabilitation industry must understand that they cannot win ‘em all. There comes a time when the reins must be handed over to the public protection department and I would suggest that that time for this particular individual had long since passed. Te irony is that had he been where he should have been he would still be alive. So please don’t pity me for lack of understanding - I understand perfectly well. Direct your pity instead to his victims who have been more let down by the criminal justice system than he has.
Hello, nox Im sorry if thats how i came across . My point is more directed towards how the judicial system is failing, weak sentencing, lack of prison spaces and lack of effective rehab etc.

I have a many years experience dea
Surely, if this man was robbing somewhere he hadn't changed? An unfortunate culmination of factors led to his death but if he hadn't been robbing the place then it wouldn't have happened. Not saying he deserved it, but if he had 'changed his ways' it wouldn't have happened.
Balls, (f**** keyboard broke on laptop, wait one)
Watch out PC World, Orderlimit's on his way in tomorrow for a new one, snorkel mask and replica gun in hand.....
Yes NOX...I did a lot of good because I had been there but I made a choice. I wanted to help other kids make a choice. I also failed in many cases. But I didn't fail because I cared less or judged a child differently. I often got the ones no-one else wanted and each and every one got my very best no matter how much abuse I got.....sometimes physical abuse. But in the end they make the choice about how they live as did this man and my sympathy is with the victims of their choice.
People seem to be misunderstanding. I don't actually disagree with those of you who said that he probably ought to have been dealt with better, be it a longer sentence ( but FAR better rehabilitation methods are needed, prisons at the moment make superb career criminals) or other remedial drug therapy etc. What I was upset about was the total lack of sympathy for a human being's demise because you viewed it (without knowing really very much about the man himself at all other than the crimes reported in the papers) as someone unworthy of any empathy.
Bednobs-Smack on I think probably- there's nothing as frightening as looking in a mirror. Maybe that's it. Maybe I realise that everyone who critisises this man and doesn't care about his death would actually feel exactly the same about my demise, in fact I would bet they would, and I am a huge hypocrite myself because if I meet new people I certainly go to great lengths to make sure they don't know my life story.
Anyway for anyone who feels personally offended by anything I've said, that wasn't my intention, but I do get very angry at the sheer waste of human life often because we are, at a young age, compartmentalised into good guys and bad guys, people worth something and people worth nothing. It's too broad a picture to paint it like that, we need smaller brushes ; /
And I guess the satisfaction is the turn-around of just one person in your case, gness, two is a bonus and so on.

The law of diminishing returns seems to apply here.

Even his family have come across as being dismissive of him, as portrayed on the local news down here.

Is it a shame that it has happened? yes, sympathy? no - and that seems to be the common view around here.

Asking questions about whether the judicial system should have been more focused or social more attentive? yes, and the learning lessons taken for that process. Then some good may come out of this.
Looks like you turned yourself around tho NOX. Big difference.

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