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Sqad | 09:07 Sat 09th Mar 2013 | News
73 Answers User Recommendation

This would never happen on an American airline as in the US they treat their servicemen with respect.

Has SIR Richrd Branson lost the plot although I gather it is not Virgin policy to ban serving personel to travel in their uniforms.

A total my opinion.


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I think that all military personnel should be very proud to wear their uniforms etc. but in this current climate of terrorism I dont really think that wearing combats on a civilian plane is very appropriate.
// many service people wear uniform clothing because they are proud of it. //

Being proud of it is not a good reason. A radical muslin cleric might be proud of his vocation, but you would want them to be dressed properly if they were flying with the public.
Actually, I've flown with quite a few people over the years dressed in Muslim attire, it's not offended me in the least. The airline wouldn't ask them to change, it's their cultural/religious clothing.
It wasn't the airline
It was a misunderstanding
This has been blown out of all proportion
probably caught the wrong plane ... wanted to go to zurich
so yet again people of Gromits ilk show their true colours towards this country and its armed forces that fight and have fought to allow people like him to insult them.

bazwillrun, A very silly comment, no one has insulted her!!
I may not object to what folk wear, usually, but neither do I understand the desire to make an, "I better than the rest", statement with what they wear either. This is such a childish disagreement.

But in any case, as mentioned, it was hardly a uniform in this case, just camouflage outfit that anyone could have been wearing as leisure wear anyway. Jobsworth issue.
I bet she was hoping for an upgrade to Executive First by wearing her uniform. In Virgin First Class they do give you a sleep suit to wear
"bazwillrun, A very silly comment, no one has insulted her!! "

thanks for pointing it out...Pffffft

As far as I'm concerned by posting the usual tosh that he so beloves, on here ,he has insulted her and her right to wear the uniform of her job, a job that goes a long way in protecting this country and people like him.
I have insulted no one. You may apolgise for that false allegation, but I doubt you will.

All I have said is that wearing military uniform is not appropriate or necessary when she is not on duty, and travelling with the public.

This plane was full of people of all nationalities. Some may share her pride in her uniform, but others may not.

I am sure that if a Pakistani soldier boarded a plane and sat next to little Johnny off on his hols to DisneyWorld, then you'd be the first to complain.
//a job that goes a long way in protecting this country and people like him//

Because there are hoardes of Afghan's dust waiting to invade our country only being stopped by the Royal Navy in the Channel!

What a pile of horse manure - for all you know her job is allocating parking places at Dartmouth.

Yes there was no real reason for Vigin to get uptight about this but the patriotic self-righteous tosh that is coming back in response is laughable.

Especially from certain people who's patriotic zeal is so great that they have abandoned the UK because the weather's nicer in the Med!

"My country right or wrong - as long as it doesn't rain too much!"

If you want to decide who is and who isn't a disgrace to the country I suggest you start by living here!
hurrah jake - jake for primeminister
I had no idea baz had deserted the country. And he is now an immigrant somewhere presumably. That's cheered me up.
Jake....ouch....a wee bit below the belt....
///This was a completely isolated case in which our staff were incorrectly advised by a security agent ///

Really, so by implication their staff are not fully trained, do not have minds of their own, and have to take the advice of a security officer on their own company policy, well done Virgin!

Gromit...sqad now lives in ibeza..however he contributed the welfare of everyone here in his long and I suspect as a medic
And deserves our respect...
// Gromits ilk show their true colours towards this country //

// a job that goes a long way in protecting this country //

Is that this country that I don't live in?
Apologies baz. I misunderstood jake's reference to an exile.

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