well now you got that off your chest, how about coming down to earth a bit. Many that live in the capital are not rich, they are poor, middle and some wealthy, but that fact is changing, and quickly. as many of the first two categories are not able to sustain living here. It isn't just rents or buying that is high but just about everything else.
You have to have a balance of people in any society, those who get benefits of however much, may well have been wage earners, who had contributed to the coffers, and may do so again, but may be out of work currently with a home to support, and children, it may be temporary, but in this uneasy economic climate no one knows how things will pan out.
So the 500 quid cap comes in for a couple and 350 for a singleton.
if the people worked but currently can't get work, what would you suggest is adequate to live on per week. I am assuming someone in government, and with all the relevant agencies has come up with figure somehow. so what would you do..