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I think that's done very knowingly AOG.

Regardless Ed, it is then time for 'them white folk' to be offended for a change.
You are not the word poiice, AOG. Nor are you the final arbiter of what constitutes social fairness or justice. Are you really objecting because it is no longer deemed acceptable for you to use the word?

Just as the gay community reclaimed the word "queer", which had been used perjoratively against, them, the black community are perfectly at liberty to reclaim the N word.

Slavery and abuse was done to those of afro-caribbean descent, mostly at the hands of white european stock. It is entirely right, fair, equitable and just if they wish to use the word. It most certainly is none of those things for you to whine that somehow this is not equal, or that it disadvantages whites....

I do not want to read your previous threads that you have brought up. Continued exposure to your thoughts about multiculturalism or the PC gone mad culture upsets my digestion....
"it is then time for 'them white folk' to be offended for a change."

Looking at your previous posts, it will hardly be a change for you; you seem to spend at least a couple of hours a day being offended by something or other.
Wel I DON'T get it.

The word is offensive or it isn't..........whoever uses it, this is surely based on the fact that it is offensive to blacks.

Just because a "black comedian " uses it, it doesn't make it non-offensive does it?
You'd better be outraged then, aog. Are you seeking to prevent the promotion of racism, both overt and covert? That's worthy of you, one who is never suspected of doing neither, but you could have chosen a target which was deserving of your aim.
^doing either^!
Saw Reginald D live at the Edinburgh Festival a couple of years ago. Very funny and he used the 'n' word frequently, usually about himself or his family.
Who did the Professional Footballers Association think they were booking when they booked Reginald D Hunter? Surely anyone looking to book a comedian would check the type of act he does before sending off their cheque.

So he 'stunned' guests with his performance - did he?

Pull the other one!

"The word is offensive or it isn't..........whoever uses it, this is surely based on the fact that it is offensive to blacks. "

It is offensive to blacks when used by whites - what is there not to get? The term "old fart" is mildly offensive to me when used by a young person. If it's used by one of my friends of a similar age, it's not at all offensive.
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/// I do not want to read your previous threads that you have brought up. Continued exposure to your thoughts about multiculturalism or the PC gone mad culture upsets my digestion....///

Then perhaps you are not qualified to join in such associated threads.

I wonder how many of such remarks made by yourself would also be made by black persons, it is a known fact that white persons speaking for black persons creates more ill feeling between the two races, than it creates good feelings.
Kevink....I can't agree.

The terms "old fart" and "git" etc have not and do not provoke the same outcry as does n....r....and cannot in my opinion be compared.

A black has used the term and hence in my opinion open the gates to other people using it as it implies that it as an OK word.
@Sqad - The prohibition on its use is not absolute. There is more nuance to it than that. I repeat- if the Afro-Caribbean/Black community wish to reclaim a word that has such negative connotations, that is entirely their perogative.

For white people to complain that it is somehow unfair or discriminatory that that black people are allowed to use it whilst they cannot is just wilful ignorance behind the history of the word itself...

\\\@Sqad - The prohibition on its use is not absolute. \\\

Right, not "absolute".....but i thought that racial abuse was was against the law........I may have this wrong.
I'm with sqad.....whatever he says goes !
I can't agree, Sqad. Whether a word is offensive or not depends not just on the word itself, but on who said it, to whom, and in what context. That is always true of any word, and of any speaker. No matter how offensive you may, or may not, find it, there is someone around who holds the opposite view. This is a prime example.
"Then perhaps you are not qualified to join in such associated threads."

Really? What qualifications do i need then? A strong stomach and a certain blindness to your own obsession with colour perhaps?

"I wonder how many of such remarks made by yourself would also be made by black persons, it is a known fact that white persons speaking for black persons creates more ill feeling between the two races, than it creates good feelings."
a. How do you know I am not black?
b. Yes, I could imagine that black people might take offence at white people presuming to speak for them - but since use of the word is can be found throughout black culture, I doubt that I would be adjudged as taking undue liberties.

There is little equivalence between terms like old git and old fart etc and the N word - one carries the weight of slavery and abuse, the others could be applied to anyone irrespective of race or gender.

@ Sqad - No.Its use in black culture does not open the floodgates and make it fair game for use by all, and you know this fine well. Why are you so exercised about being denied its use anyway? Do you feel somehow deprived because you are not at cultural liberty to use it? Are there occasions where you feel you want to use it?
Yes, Sqad, but others, particularly in football, should know the difference; context and intent are all. Can't help but suspect that the fact that this was a football occasion, football having had well-publicised incidents of racial abuse and currently having a pan-European campaign (Kick racism out of football), makes the use of the word an emotive issue regardless of the fact that its use was, logically, appropriate for Reginald D Hunter to use it as usual and appropriately.
jim...yes....I have no objection to that argument. would be quite in order for a white comedian to use the word to a black audience.
Its not illegal to use the word, Sqad. but come on - surely someone with your experience can master the fact that there are nuances and niceties involved in social interactions?

If the black community wish to reclaim its use, repurpose it even, for use within the black community to each other, that is a matter entirely for them.

LazyGun.....take it easy. Yes sometimes I would like to use the word in a non offensive manner to any audience and 20 years ago would have done. However today, yes, i am denied that, but a black man isn't..........a bit odd don't you think?

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