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Bigots Finally On The Run ?

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mikey4444 | 07:11 Mon 20th May 2013 | News
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Are our bigots finally on the run ?

It would seem that equality is finally becoming the norm in Britain today.


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Bigot: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ. So, if you are against gay marriage, ie against the belief of another group you are....a bigot. If you don't like the label then don't be bigoted!.
Anngel...being opposed to gay marriage does not make someone a bigot. Especially if they are happy for gays to enter a civil partnership.

Some people are opposed to both...they are the bigots.
and if one doesn't give a flying fig, what does that make them.
"and if one doesn't give a flying fig, what does that make them."

I think that's the default of what could loosely be called the "pro-marriage equality" camp :)
// Bigot: One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ //

How ironic.
So does that make gays bigots? (sharp intake of breath)
i am neither pro nor anti, and don't consider myself a bigot...
People of a religious persuasion are anti-gay marriage.......which is more an indication of letting someone else do their thinking for them rather than wholesale bigotry.

But I'm really not sure quite what excuse the non-religious have for being anti-gay marriage. Doubtless bigotry will play a part in a lot of minds.
not all people of religion are anti gay, bit of a rash statement jth.
Jomifl, Yes - I suppose it is down to whichever camp you are in. Do I believe in gay marriage - a resounding No - but civil partnership - Yes.
Using a label, such as bigot, in a derogitory way is supposed to show how backward and unworthy you are of an opinion different to someone else.

Over use of the word bogot is just plain lazy and reactionary.

It just makes me switch off.

Brenden, //Do I believe in gay marriage - a resounding No - but civil partnership - Yes. //

Why is that?
Jomifl, Scottish Protestants, with their deference to the Kirk, seem to have picked a particularly hard and rocky road for their journey to salvation. That may well suit a people who take salt in their porridge but nothing in their whiskey.
It wouldn't be my way. While I hesitate to recommend any particular path, I do think treating others in this world as you would like to be treated yourself might be as good a way as any.
Will that blueprint work? Time will tell.

/// The Kirk bases its teachings on the bible where homosexual behaviour is frowned on. ///

/// The charge of hypocrisy might fairly be levelled at an organisation which now wants to ignore inconvenient bits of their blueprint for salvation. ///

Perhaps that is why The Church of England do not want to be classed as hypocrites?

Naomi, I believe that marriage consists of one man and one woman - that is not bigotry - it is my belief and opinion. A civil partnership will give same sex couples the right to inherit etc - this is what they wanted in the first instance. It seems to me if you have this opinion you are being labelled a bigot - what next?.
This nonsense is less about bigotry and more about people's inteolerance of each other. Personally I have no gripes with any group, gender, colour, religion, sexual preference; just don't bring me bad people.

Should the church change to suit same sex partnerships of any type?? only if they want to delve into more hypocrisy. Should there be legislation to cover it? yes because its only fair couples who have made a commitment to each other should have it recognised. Would I be keen to have alternative lifestyles taught to my kids? Not sure about that though as mine are 20 and 27 I guess they can make theior own minds up!
Wed in B & Q for what its worth - might get free orange sick buckets for bored guests
Index 1 - Does being bored make you vomit?

I think we can guess which side of the fence you sit on this.
Brenden, I haven't labelled anyone a bigot - in fact I've voted 'No' in the poll on the other thread. It's just that I've never heard a valid reason to deny marriage to gay couples - and I still haven't. Other people's relationships have no effect whatsoever on anyone else, so simply not liking the idea isn't really a valid reason.
I fail to see how unnecessary pandering to the desires of one group whilst upsetting another has much to do with bigotry, And for sure, extending the definition of marriage so it no longer means the same as it did, has absolutely nothing to do with equality, any more than allowing a plumber to call themselves a train driver has.

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