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sir.prize | 15:50 Sun 26th May 2013 | News
49 Answers
I read this morning that PM Dave and his family had gone on their holidays to Ibiza., At a time when there is terrorist alerts, tensions following the Woolwich murder and a COBRA alert which denotes an emergency.

Bad timing Mr Prime Minister . . .

But wait . . . everything will be fine, Nicky Clegg is running the country now!


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jno fear yeah not, if internet connections go down, the local women have a very strange call that they can emit for miles over the mountains, really eerie but effective, so all will not be lost.
FGM, do you live in Southend,I lived there for 30 years. Still miss it sometimes.
Now we all know why he rushed back from France earlier than expected, it wasn't to address the terrorist situation, it must have been so that he could pack for his Hols.
//so far raised 37 responses on this 'petty' thread. //

Yes ! And they treated it as petty .
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Far be it for me to defend a Tory Prime Minister by why on earth should he and his family not have a holiday ? Serious and ghastly though the murder of the soldier was, we haven't declared war on anybody have we ? We are in serious danger here of bigging up an isolated incident. Unless Cameron is needed to make up the numbers for an armed patrol on the streets of London, than leave the poor man alone !

I'm sure Clegg can manage for a week, can't he ?
I'm sure Clegg has a few little helpers!
there is always some crisis or other, he and his family would never go anywhere if they took note of all the matters needing his attention. In a serious crisis like a bombing, murder of our citizens by extremists he would be back in charge, didn't he come back from a meeting in France just recently..

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