jackthehat, I should perhaps say that I myself am uncomfortable with the idea - or rather, with the words. The idea of what "marriage" is is inculcated very young, and many people of my age seem to agree that the very notion of "gay marriage" is an oxymoron. A marriage, even a bad one, is something for a man and a woman.
This doesn't mean I'm anti-gay, or even anti-gay marriage; and I don't think I'm a bigot. I'm perfectly happy that gays should be allowed to marry; it's long overdue. All it means is that, personally (and at my advanced age), I suspect I will never think of gay marriage as marriage. I'll think of it as "gay marriage".
I say this because you were asking earlier why people get antsy about things that will never affect them. But major changes to the meaning of things do affect people, quite deeply in some cases.