Interesting reply Kev ! I heard Peter Hain on Any Questions a couple of weeks ago, who robustly dealt with the issue of blaming Labour for everything. I am paraphrasing him but his argument went something like this ::
"The collapse in the American sub-prime housing market wasn't caused by Labour employing more Teachers, Nurses and Policemen"
Labour need to follow the example set in the Life of Brian...what have the Romans ever done for us ?
This business though, with News International is very cynical. I personally don't believe that people will be confused by the name-change. The trial due to start in September, will involve some very high profile names indeed
In the past, every time you saw Brooks on the TV news, she was hanging on to that ghastly old toad Murdoch's arm, and she was always smirking. I fully expect that smirk to be wiped off her face quite soon...we don't have too long to wait ! There will be plenty of entertainment value coming our way ?