I honestly, honestly, honestly think that the BBC is the best place to go for an approximation of 'the truth' in news content.
This is why the world (not just the UK) turns to the BBC when major news events occur.
My only criticism of the BBC is that it's online Technology microsite isn't a patch on dedicated tech news aggregation sites, but I suppose that's to be expected.
sp, don't misunderstand me. I think the BBC offers a superb service – the best in the world. I don't, however, support biased reporting just because it happens to tally with my own views. That would be disingenuous.
There was once a poster called R1Geezer who was forever getting banned until the final ban was permanent. Soon after, a poster with an identical style joined and was himself banned. That has repeated many times and the final reincarnation is Tora Tora Tora.
It certainly is my business. Posters who are banned are expelled because they cannot behave in a civil manner and put people off using the site. If they then rejoin, and responsible readers of this site spot the similarity, then it should be made known.
I sincerely hope that Tora Tora Tora does not get banned as on the whole he and R1Geezer make/made good contributions. But Looking at his past record, I fear it is only a matter of time before he oversteps the line again.
"Fringe weirdoes on the so-called 'Right' are well catered for with the likes of the Murdoch media empire"
Ignoring the fact that people on the right are no more weird than those on the left, people have a choice whether or not to pay for a Murdoch product, whereas if they own a TV they don't have a choice of whether or not to pay for a TV Licence.
Did anyone else read this bit?
However, overall the breadth of opinion reflected by the BBC on this subject is broad and impressive, and no persuasive evidence was found that significant areas of opinion are not given due weight today.
"However, overall the breadth of opinion reflected by the BBC on this subject is broad and impressive, and no persuasive evidence was found that significant areas of opinion are not given due weight today."
since when is it non moderators job to say who can contribute, that would be the moderators and the ED. Pulling up info that might or might not be someone's old account doesn't seem right, and has nothing at all to do with the post.