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Duchess In Labour...

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jno | 06:35 Mon 22nd Jul 2013 | News
51 Answers
just thought you royalists would like to know


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I don't care about her politics, jno
06:40 Mon 22nd Jul 2013
\\\\\I agree...every mother should have Harley Street on stand-by.\\\

Naaah! why strive to reach the heights of Harley Street, if you were at the beck and call of EVERY as well.

Why not just have a selected few who pay cash for your services, well connected,dress well, speak that makes sense ......doesn't it?
Do they speak quite as well while in labour Sqad ;)
LOL....yes Eve......the posh ones scream "Haaaaagh! whilst the "others" scream aaaaaagh!......not the difference.
big song and dance over something that has been happening for years. I suppose her family are all geared up with the party stuff and her sister has a book ready.
great start to the week! Hope it goes well she must be fed up of being pregnant in the heat, it's very uncomfortable and not safe for mum or baby when it's as hot as we've had this last week. Looking forward to knowing who will be the next in line after William, I won't be around then but my grandkids will!
Haha, I'll have to remember that Sqad if I ever get to experience it ;)
she is in St Mary's in Paddington..
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It's rather depressing to see that an occasion for great joy [the birth of *any* baby] is being used as an excuse to have a dig at the family...
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is it here yet, is it here yet ?,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Good to hear, hope mother and baby-to-be make it through in good health.
duchess in labour , bet cameron loves those words. Labour???
I think I heard the word Labour about 1000 times on the Beeb this morning. Hope they win the next election !!
hope she has it soon, then we can all celebrate a new arrival.
someone mentioned on here last week that we (taxpayers) each pay about 65p a year tax towards the royal family. if that is the case that's one argument blown out the water.

and how much does it cost tax payers for gold plated pensions for public servants, the BBC etc.
I'm quietly hoping it comes out mixed race.

It would literally be the funniest thing ever...
sp - now that would be funny! Although I'm sure they'd find a way to cope with it. Just like Harry's resemblance to James Hewitt

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