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beastmonkey | 08:47 Thu 01st Aug 2013 | News
46 Answers

will the social services stand in front of the cameras and tell us opportunities were missed, but lessons have been learnt, as usual?

whilst i realise it is easy to read these stories and criticise, it does seem to me that there were many opportunities and yet no one acted sufficiently to save this poor little boys life.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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No, it's not.
But as you were speculating about the father and his input into Daniel's short and unhappy life, I thought it might be worth giving some additional information.

It is about the father as much as the mother and the teaching staff. Fathers should protect their children. This one went off to a far away country and lost contact with his boy. The child was like a stranger to him. He has to accept some responsibility.

/// It is about the father as much as the mother and the teaching staff. Fathers should protect their children. This one went off to a far away country and lost contact with his boy. The child was like a stranger to him. He has to accept some responsibility. ///

Oh so very easy to blame the father, as been said before the mother prevented the father access to his son, it is a well know fact that fathers have very little rights in the eyes of the laws, and it must be particularly sad for those fathers who can never see their children, even though it may be the wife who has gone off with another man.

But it is reported that the law is about to change this year.


they weren't before, nor will they be again. tip of the wretched iceberg
i thought the father lived in Poland, did he actually live here?
he did live here till the boy was 1, why if he was so unhappy with the mother as he says, he didn't take the boy home to Poland. Got a court order seeking custody on the grounds of her drinking, drug taking.


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