dizmouk2009. You are completely wrong in your assumptions regarding Food Banks and TESCO.
OOD food is no good whatsoever to a Food Bank. They are bound by the same rules and regulations about food items as are the supermarkets themselves. If you donate OOD items, then they can't be used, so its a complete waste of a donation. Anyway, it hardly enters into the spirit of the affair if potentially mouldy food is donated.
Our Food Bank uses supermarket collection events as an important way of stock. We would typically have one or maybe two days, at a location. TESCO help us in many ways...they provide us with tabards and flyers, as well space to work. What is not widely known is that all the items that are donated by TESCO customers is weighed and then TESCO themselves donate another 70% again. TESCO is unfailingly generous and cooperative and we value their help very much. Other supermarket chains offer similar help as well. Without their assistance, our work would be considerably harder.
Hopefully that clears up any misunderstanding. Can I say that I have no connection with TESCO myself. Indeed, I prefer Lidl as money coming into my home is not as much as it used to be !