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Dale Cregan Taken To High Security Psychiatric Hospital.

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mikey4444 | 14:22 Fri 06th Sep 2013 | News
43 Answers

He will have Ian Brady for company, amongst others. Pity he wasn't put there years ago.


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The fact that society does care for the rights of someone like this is something to be proud of. Even if he acts worse than an animal, we don't.
16:00 Fri 06th Sep 2013
Isn't he also ill, I refer to the woman who had her sentence reduced for brain damaging her young child?
AOG...that was my point in my post above........
/Isn't he also ill, I refer to the woman who had her sentence reduced for brain damaging her young child?/

Exactly aog

that is why he (like the woman you mention) is no longer in prison.

Perhaps TTT can explain why treating sick people and confining those who are dangerous to themselves or others in a secure medical facility is 'giving low lifes precedence over the law abiding'
He's a cop killer after a cushy number.

You seem to have forgotten the gravity of his crimes in taking your superior right-on view.

No surprise there though.
I was asking myself the same thing, Sqad
baby killer - cop killer
one eyed - two eyed
one depressed one just evil

O Come on sqad ! keep up
/He's a cop killer after a cushy number. /


you assume you know better than the specialists who have had opportunity to study him

it seems to be you with the dubious notion of being 'superior'
even though you combine it with stupid comments and pathetic name calling

but no surprise there either
He's a cop killer after a cushy number.
That's the whole crux of it, he's playing on his infamy and using the system to his advantage. Went on hunger strike to try and get a move to a different prison and is now using all the means at his disposal to cause unrest etc.
Oddly, it doesn't state in the link the reason he's been moved there.
Protection? To be tube fed like Brady? Or to increase his profile within the prison community. Who knows?

This officer sums it up for me though:
You get people who are clearly dangerously mentally ill but because people think that a secure mental hospital is somehow a 'soft option' there's resistance to it even when they're clearly out there!

The Yorkshire Ripper was a case in point - absolutely barking but ended up being sent to Parkhurst - it was 3 years before he was finally sectioned to Broardmoor

Don't know the grounds for insanity in the Cregan case though
Peter Pendant

\\\one depressed one just evil \\\

Clearly I may have missed your point, as i am no great shakes at psychiatry but one is led to believe that depression and insanity are both psychiatric illnesses.

Correct me if i am wrong.
Indeed chill

/Mr Hanson said: "I have no problem whatsoever with the thought of him staring through one eye at a locked cell door wondering what kind of life he is missing./

As he will continue to do until he dies - so be it
He's inside for the rest of his life full stop. Don't waste yours talking about him.

If you say Cregan is insane, Sqad, yes you are wrong
erm he isn't - evil he is just plain evil for all to see.....

is that said in a hand-wringing Ben Gunn type of voice PP?

Should be punctuated with lots of "I tell 'ee"
Peter Pendant.

\\\\\If you say Cregan is insane, Sqad, yes you are wrong
erm he isn't - evil he is just plain evil for all to see.....\\\

I am just quoting the Psychiatrists.
Would they make a diagnosis while he was in prison or will that happen now he's in hospital? Was there any mention of mental illness during his trial?
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I don't pretend to be an expert on these things but surely Cregan's state of mind must have been a factor in the move to a secure hospital ?

Perhaps Sqad can enlighten us on whether Cregan needed to be diagnosed as criminally insane, before he was moved ?

There is a telling line in the link above ::: "Patients are admitted to Ashworth Hospital in a range of ways but all come because they present a grave danger to themselves and or other people "

He would appear to have no problem fitting into either of those categories.
mikey....Ashworth is a Psychiatric Hospital High Security and they would n't have moved him there without good Psychiatric reasons.
I do not know when his "insanity " was officially diagnosed.

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Thanks Sqad...prompt as usual !
Expect powers that be want to protect Cregan's ears as well.

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