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237SJ | 19:29 Wed 11th Sep 2013 | News
22 Answers
This is the first year that I haven`t seen lots of publicity about what happened on 9/11. Do you think that people have accepted that it happened and there is no point in discussing it or is it that there are other things going on (Syria) and the world has moved on?


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they've nearly finished the replacement world trade center, haven't they? That will probably spark more remembrance.
19:31 Wed 11th Sep 2013
I agree with you, 237SJ. There has been programmes about it but it hasn't been prominent in the popular press.
Never, never, ever mess with the lead... bad for ones health whether you're sitting in front or back of the lead...

I always keep a small box of very fresh chocolates in my flight bag for the lead... I know most would prefer bourbon but I couldn't take the chance...

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