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ferlew | 22:23 Tue 01st Oct 2013 | News
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Horrible, nasty creature...bleating about being encouraged to be sexist.


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I've defended him before but I reckon he's on a loser now
He is a knobby!
He was a contractor, his 'skill' is no longer requierd so its goodbye. He no doubt got paid vast sums(for what he did) whilst his face fitted so he should not be whinning now he is old hat and has no contract. This happens to many who work on contract.

//or not will depend on what's in his contract; as sandyRoe says, TV seldom gives jobs for life (though when they do, it's always to men). //

Not true is it? Think soaps for a simple start, plenty of 'old' women in them!
the oldest person in corrie was bill Roache, over eighty. most of the women are young to middle aged.
as to Mccrirrick he is undoubtedly one of the most unpleasant people on tv, if he never appeared again that would be good.
I would have thought that dressing like Mr Toad, with those awful side burns would have been reason enough to get him the sack...ghastly man.
my son used to work for an events company which once provided a bar service to the races at Newmarket. Mr McCririck demanded a tea, which the bar didn't sell, so he was directed to the caterers a bit further away. At that, he demanded to know if my son knew who he was (he didn't). The response was "I don't care who you are. we don't serve tea. go and see the caterers".
I'm talking about presenter jobs, youngmafbog
/the oldest person in corrie was bill Roache, over eighty. most of the women are young to middle aged. /


by my reckoning, of the current 16 regular adult female Corrie cast members;

8 are 18-45
8 are 46-65+ including 3 in their 70s and 80s
TV audiences do like 'characters', but characters have a shelf-life, and JM's time is up.

His eccentric persona was of its time, and C4 are looking for a slicker brand for the younger audience it wants to attract.

For that reason, contrary to his perception that he was 'sacked' - his contract was not renewed, which is not the same thing.

Channel 4 can, and will defend his lack of contract renewal by saying that they wanted a new look and format, and that will be accepted - there is no rule in employment law that says a pundit has to be retained if the company do not wish to continue to renew his contract of employment.

So Mr Mccrirrick is on a loser here - he is fighting his case on the grounds of age, Channel 4 can argue, perfectly reasonably, that his age was not the issue, and therefore their defence will be solid.

As far as Mr Mccririck's claim that beneath his chosen personna he is a top racing journalist, that is withouot doubt true, but again, that is not the issue under debate.

I loved him on TV - lots didn't, but either way, his style is not a fit for Cahhenl 4 in 2012, and that is why he has been dropped.

Shame - but fighting, and losing a fortune in the process, is not a clever way to proceed.
If his contract's up and it's not being renewed, I don't see the issue.

Surely the point of hiring contractors is that they're not permanent. You don't have to dismiss them or make them redundant, you simply choose not to renew the contract.
Obviously a result of the BBC paying six-figure sums to old, no longer required presenters.
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You're predicting a job offer for McCrirrick from the Beeb Svejk?

We'll wait and see
I don;t think JM is going to find a berth at the Beeb - they won't want to be seen as taking C4's rejects - they will still be smarting at losing Clare Balding to C4.
// I don;t think JM is going to find a berth at the Beeb //

Do the BBC even have any racing coverage these days? They wouldn't take him anyway. As you said andy, his character, however real or invented, is past it's sell by date.
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I do feel a bit sorry for JM - the security of a long-term contract has unfortunately inured him to the fact that it is just that - a contract - which can have its renewal clause unexercised if the employer so wishes - as has happened.

Like a lot of older people who is without his regular work ethic, he is finding adjustment difficult - but lashing out at his ex-employers in court is not going to help in any way - it makes him look boorish and petulant, the 'image' which has been deemed as anachronistic in the first place.
I'll never forget him on CBB, sitting on the side of his bed in his manky underpants, picking his nose and eating it - yuck, yuck, yuck !!!!
I got a taxi to work one day when it was the Ebor race meeting in York. The taxi driver mentioned that he was booked to pick up Mccrirrick from the station that day. I said I thought he was ghastly, the taxi driver said he had picked him up several times and he was actually one of the nicest, most generous people he'd met.
craft - we live in an age of media manipulation.

TV shows abound where editing will show a partoicular aspect of someone's character and infer that it is their entire character - and I am sure this applies to big Brother as much as anywhere else.

JM was hate bait in the BB house, and again on the swap show he did, but I am sure he was under no illusions about that.

However, to assume that the TV personna is the same as the man is like giving Stev McFadden a punch in the face if you see him in the street, because Phil Mitchell is a twenty-four carrat knob-head.

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