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Yougov Poll ...labour 10 Points Ahead

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mikey4444 | 08:06 Wed 02nd Oct 2013 | News
41 Answers

Labour lead increasing, while Lib Dems floundering at 8%. UKIP still around 12%, again, not changed much in the last few weeks.

Poll was done Monday and Tuesday of this week, so Tory Conference not impressing many people. They still have time to ditch Dave in favour of Boris, but they have to get a move on.

Its worth pointing out that this Poll was commissioned by The Sun ! Bet they wished they had not bothered now !


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EDDIE51...if The Sun does come out in favour of Labour, like it did in 1997, then it really is all over for this space !

///labour 10 Points Ahead///

Thanks goodness the Election is still a while away,
The Country is still trying to recover from it's last stewardship by Labour,
and is certainly not strong enough to survive yet another mauling by them!
Zeuhl, I'd just add to your narrative: if the Conservatives haven't got there but haven't conspicuously plunged the country into a worse mess (which they haven't so far... but only just), then that will also count as a Tory success. British voters are conservative with a small c, and these days don't chuck governments out at the first opportuunity.

Things might be different if Miliband was a charismatic alternative as Blair was, but he isn't.
doesnt take much to please little mikey does it !?
then when labour are phu££ing the country up as they always do, and we are even more bankrupt because theyve spent every penny they dont have and taken as much as they can from your wallets, where will he be then ???

"Labour leaves economy in a mess "
who knew !?
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baz...I have asked this question before on AB but I have never had an answer.

If Labour did so badly, and the Tories are doing so well, why have Labour been consistently ahead in all Polls ?

Try to answer this without any concealed foul language if you could please.
Can't see liberals actually putting pen to paper to vote for a Red Ed and he doesn't seem to be doing much to counter that.

Much the same will be how many will put pen to paper to vote UKIP.

It is easy saying to a poll one thing but when reality hits home doing another.

I suspect we will see a lower turn out or more protest votes on ridiculous candidates (perhaps a seat for the raving loony party?)

/ more protest votes on ridiculous candidates (perhaps a seat for the raving loony party?) /

are we back to Boris again? :-)
Mickey, it is easy to snipe from the sides and make hollow promises (as the liberals have now found out)

If a promise of freezing fuel bills (which will only be got back either before or after - or both) gets you in then Gawd help us.

Labour did break the country, they even left a note to say so and have admitted it since. They inherited the best economy of any incoming Government(as admitted by labour) and left the worst.

Even if you despise the Tories at least see what your beloved labour did do.

IMHO the Tories could have done better with deeper cuts into a very bloated civil service, but they are restrained by a coalition (again which does not please me).
Very droll Zeuhl

just to be precise:

/They inherited the best economy of any incoming Government(as admitted by labour) and left the worst. /

doesn't necessarily mean

/Labour did break the country/

I expect their defenders (of which I'm not one) would argue that external events were factors that would have done at least as much damage under the Conservatives
"If Labour did so badly, and the Tories are doing so well, why have Labour been consistently ahead in all Polls ?"

Regardless of whether they are getting results or not, if the public are cheesed off with the incumbent lizards they tell the poll taker they would vote for the other group of lizards.
Sorry, don't have time to read previous posts, so apologies if I am repeating others...

- Labour have been leading the polls for two and a half years, so poll is not anything new.

- Boris is not an MP, he cannot be patachuted in as Prime Minister.

- Boris has been waiting for a safe Conservative held bye election preferably in London but there hasn't been one.

- If such a constituency turns up for a bye election, he can say he is already/still representing Londoners promising he will not seek Mayorial election if elected.

- I would not be surprised if Boris stands at the General Election, pledging as above. He will be perfectly placed to challenge Cameron for the Conservative leadership, if the Conservatives do not win in 2015.

- The General Election is only 18 months away so it is too late to change now.

- Conservative member know that, which is why BorisMania has been non existant at this conference

- The country seems more dissatified with Milliband as a party leader.

- Any lead will close during the next 18 months.

Question Author may very well be right. But that normally only effects the outcome of a Poll by a percentage point or two. Labour's lead has been very consistent for a long time now.

YMB....I personally can't see UKIP having many, if any seats after the 2015 election. I may be wrong about that but there is little to indicate that they will be successful in any way.

Apart from one of course...not all but most of UKIPs votes will come from natural Tory voters, not Labour. So, vote UKIP, get Labour would seem to be the cards, especially in marginal Tory seats.
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LG How about another Lib/Lab pact ?
Now that's something to look forward to, when the unions showed us how to run the country.
There's another one that has them only 3 points ahead too - you can't get anything from a single poll

Look at this chart of the polls though and you'll see what I mean about the lib dems

2010 Tories ahead of Labour and LibDems high

As the Lib Dem support collapses to 2011 Labour overtake the conservatives and don't really recover.

If I were DC I'd be thinking about whether I could knife Cleggy and Get Vince Cable in

He's got the best chance of wooing back LibDem Voters who went to Labour

Trouble is if he's seen to be doing it it'll look like a push to the centre which will push Tories to UKIP

Delicate balancing act
Valid point mike, but maybe the way coalitions antagonise some core supporters might have an additional effect on margins.
mikey4444, yes as soon as' The Scum' switches sides again it will be all over for the Tories. As soon as it happens get down to the Bookies and put a bet on Labour to win, can't fail.
Wasn't Kinnock's Labour Party ahead by 20 points mid-term? Enough said.
Although it's good fun etc to point out that the party you support is ahead in the polls, we all know that polls can't be trusted. You wouldn't bet your mortgage on a party showing a 10 point lead even if it was on the eve of the election, let alone 18 months ahead of it.

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