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And Another Big Family Want

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trt | 21:51 Tue 22nd Oct 2013 | News
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I've said it loads of times. Rent is the big problem.

Some people want to work but if they do they can't feed their family or pay the bills.
won't the family get housing benefit?
so how did people live, pay the rent years ago, yet worked and had big families?
I would imagine so, however if he was working he would have to pay the rent as well as provide enough for a very large family which is probably why he isnt working
Yes, Emmie...

Again, I've said this numerous times. The house next door to me is rented for £800 a month. My mortgage is £140.

how many people can afford £800 with bills and food costs?

kids worked at a young age years ago
But a lot of the programmes on terresrial tele are dire. Can they afford Sky?
child labour was abolished years ago, however my mother worked from early on but she went into a trade, the fact is many children's education got interrupted by WW2, as hers did, but they coped without state help, some don't, won't work these days, odd considering the policy in place of supposedly getting the disabled, mentally ill into work, or back into it, how do these people get away with it for so long.
Sorry, it's too early:

"Are you from Mayo, Ed? :-)"

Am I? How would I know? :)
i worked from early on, it was expected and i wouldn't have had it any other way, as i am sure many on here think, that to not work and laze about would have been quite shameful, to not contribute to the household expenses. If those people are encouraged by endless state benefits to have more and more babies then it's the children who will suffer. They in turn could become the next generation of workless, feckless individuals,
People bang on about being unable to afford food, high rents, etc - but they continue to breed.
because they know they will get help, if it wasn't forthcoming, no child benefit after two, or at all, then perhaps it would give them something to think about. If you want children it isn't the states responsibility to pay and take care of them, it's yours.
"Are you from Mayo, Ed? :-)"

Am I? How would I know? :)

Do you walk with a gimp and live in the arse end of nowhere? And breed with you cousins :-)
But Naomi...maybe the rents weren't so high when they breed.

Hi All

Becoming all too familiar to see these days and what a real shame and a legacy for the parents children to know that their Dad, who has a given right to look after his children to the BEST of his ability that he can and care and provide for them, has only worked a chuffing nine months in his entire adult life. Quite unbelievable and sad that the poor kids, who are completely innocent of all that is happening to them, are suffering with respiratory problems as a result of the mould in their home. DO SOMETHING about it then......I cant believe that he cannot pick up ANY job anywhere if he tried to REALLY get one, and not just collect up his benefits, that'll bring quality to his family and a better standard of life for them.
Ummmm's point that its hard to get a job is quite true in certain areas BUT nine months in his entire life so far is just pure lazyness and that is really plain to see when you see the chap......I hate to be judgemental but i'm sure you know what I mean. Does he look like he's made an effort to get a job?

As far as the Mum is concerned, don't even get me started!

Hopefully his piggin' Python will bite him where it hurts and he can see what he's doing to his children's health and future.

Rant over ....and breathe

Hoping you're all fit fine and funky...and have a great day :0)


Why would you keep on having children when your property clearly hasn't got the room for them all?

IMO it's selfishness and fecklessness in the extreme.
if you get full housing benefit it won;t make a difference what the rent is, they are not the ones paying it. So they can have more kids, because they are not the ones forking out. There is now a cap on housing benefit, perhaps that will have an effect on people who continue to be jobless and breed.
//Pay for any existing children up until the age of 16 – and that’s it. //

Childbenefit and tax credit is only paid for children after the age of 16 if the child continues in full time education.
Ummmm, they're still breeding.

FGT, I'm saying pay for existing children up until the age of 16 and stop payment for any children born from now on.
almost as good a tale as the woman who has 11 children i think? who said that she buys goods off the shoplifters who come around the area, because she wouldn't manage otherwise, yet gets a small fortune in benefits. Wonder what the shopkeepers think of her remarks.. hopefully the police will be having a word,

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