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What Are Your Thoughts Regarding This?

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anotheoldgit | 13:43 Thu 31st Oct 2013 | News
53 Answers

No I don't mean how big are stationary cupboards these days? :0)

But did the parents of this girl act appropriately, should this teacher still be teaching, and why after the girl was quite prepared to conduct a sexual relationship with her teacher, then chose to report her to the police only when she had started up another relationship?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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no sympathy for teachers who abuse pupils; their gender doesn't matter. (Nor, incidentally, does their size.)

Quite likely the girl didn't realise at the time she was being abused. Most of us only start to understand the way our lives are going once we're heading towards 20.
Like jno says her gender makes no difference. She abused a position of trust and manipulated a young girl.
she has abused her position as a teacher and commited child abuse, yes she should be jailed. Why didn;t her parents report her?

the report only says she is still employed, how do you know she is teaching, she may (i hope) be suspended

here is the full article the daily wail lifted it from - althought the teacher is in the wrong, i think her parents acted in a very strange way

(also says she has been suspended AOG)
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/// Quite likely the girl didn't realise at the time she was being abused. Most of us only start to understand the way our lives are going once we're heading towards 20. ///

I think you are being a little naive there jno.

Surely, unless the girl happened to be mentally backward, she would know perfectly what was going off, she would also be perfectly able to distance herself from the relationship before it even reached that far..
they're going through the proper procedures before dimssing her. If the same had been done with Sharon Shoesmith a lot of money would have been saved.
aog, when you were 14, how would you have felt about telling your teacher to take a hike? It's not that easy for kids when teachers have power over them.
And, AOG, that's putting a burden on the girl. We have such laws to protect girls. It doesn't matter that they understand the nature of the acts at their age.

The teacher should be locked up, the parents should be punished for allowing it to happen without reporting it.
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/// their gender doesn't matter. ///

/// Like jno says her gender makes no difference. ///

Why do some bother to distance this woman from her gender, did anyone decry her for the fact that she is a lesbian?

So there is no need whatsoever to avoid treading upon broken glass.
How old was the girl when the parents found out though?
She's an abuser in the same way Jeremy Forrest is.
Makes you wonder where they thought their daughter was when she was 'sleeping over'.
I don't see that gender or sexual preference have any bearing on this.
I'm guilty of taking my sons word for it when he tells me he's staying at so and so's house...
1. It's inappropriate for a teacher to form a relationship with a child in her care.
2. How did this teenager manage to have 'sleep-overs' without her parents cottoning on?
3. The teenager knew exactly how to exact the sweetest of revenges.
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/// aog, when you were 14, how would you have felt about telling your teacher to take a hike? It's not that easy for kids when teachers have power over them. ///

You really think that teachers have power over their pupils these days?

When I was 14, teachers were treated similarly to royalty, one could never visualise that they actually went to the toilet, never mind taking part in sex, that is if we knew what sex was in those distance far off days.

Now days the youngsters are more knowing, and are not afraid of telling teachers off, in fact that is the trouble today, the teachers are actually frightened of the pupils, make no mistake about that.

I don't think jno and ummm are saying "Don't mention her gender", I think they mean, "It doesn't matter if it's a woman or a man, any teacher who abuses their position should be treated the same".

I'm sure they can answer for themselves, but that's how I read their posts.
-- answer removed --
I see she favours the same Berghaus fleece as I do. :-(

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