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For Or Against Cctv Cameras?

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anotheoldgit | 12:35 Sun 03rd Nov 2013 | News
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In an earlier post a fellow ABer suggested that CCTV cameras should be done away with, anyone agree with this poster?

Take this example:

/// Five councils in London and at least two outside the capital, are involved in the trial, slammed by actor and parking campaigner Tom Conti as 'Stasti-style' surveillance, according to manufacturer Videalert. ///

"Stasti style surveillance", that's a little over the top surely?



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I love the DM drivel, which is why I buy the paper.
I'm for CCTV even though it means all the little Shaznays and Kylees are actually dropped off outside my house each day (school is round the corner)
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/// This isn't anything close to STASTI or STASI surveillance. Its just the DM banging on and on about a non-issue. ///

Then blame the person who made those accusations and not the Sunday Mail.

*** Five councils in London and at least two outside the capital, are involved in the trial, slammed by actor and parking campaigner Tom Conti as 'Stasti-style' surveillance, according to manufacturer Videalert. ***

They were his words and not the Sunday Mail's.

Well, crafty, perhaps you can tell us, as a regular DM reader, why they chose to equate these councils, with the STASI, by using CCTV to deal with with inconsiderate parking ? Do you think the DM was correct in making this connection, and what do you think their purpose was in so doing ?
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/// I love the DM drivel, which is why I buy the paper. ///

Good for you craft, but it is truly amazing how their stories upset so many on AnswerBank for some reason, and I suspect it isn't for 'poor' reporting' reasons, no they make it so obvious all the timer, it is because some of their reporting upsets their sensitivities.

That's why I enjoy entering them.
Sorry mikey, I thought it was Tom Conti who came up with that comparison.
// In an earlier post a fellow ABer suggested that CCTV cameras should be done away with, anyone agree with this poster? //

I hope that is not referring to my post on the Burka thread. I did say that.
AOG, LOL. I did have one of my children 'deported' to boarding school when he was of prep school age. He survived . But my daughter was lumbered with day school in London at that age, and we only had to get her to the school bus in London, for the long journey, so we could forget about her existence, after the age of 12. Up to then, we had the school run. This is called parenting, even 'liberal parenting', in some circles!
Some people are always complaining about '' My Rights & I'm Being Got At ''
Surely it's time that everyone realized that rules & laws are there to protect us all. Lets have a complete campaign to uphold every rule & law. I am still seeing the illegal use of mobile phones whilst driving, illegal parking in disabled bays, cyclists not only crossing in defiance of red stop traffic lights but also cycling the wrong way in one way streets. Let's have real fines for these offenses then councils can get much more deserved revenue to run things for normal law abiding citizens.

But it was a non-story aog. Nobody forced the DM into making an article of it. Wasn't there any other real news stories that they could have put in its place ?

In some mild defence of the DM, I see the Sunday Times has also decided to run this non-story, on page 12. But if most people would agree that inconsiderate parking outside schools is a problem, and a dangerous one at that, I still can't see the point in giving the perpetrators the oxygen of publicity. Read what the Head Teacher Jackie Lapsa has to say about these stupid parents..."recently a car reversed around the corner, nearly knocking over a child" One of the stupider parents, a Jade O'Brien assaulted a lollipop lady recently, because she was told to move her car. These are the people that are causing the problem, not the Councils who are trying to do something about it.

The real story here is not about some daft connection with an East German security organisation...its about the dangers that children face when going into and out of their schools. Surely the DM and the ST could have done everybody a favour by changing the scare tactics of their almost identical headlines, to something along the lines of ::::

" Stupid parents endanger the lives of children and then complain when they are caught red-handed"

That would have been a more accurate description of the matter in hand.


It's a shame that we have to resort to such heavy-handed tactics to encourage more considerate behaviour.

It's a pity the budget doesn't stretch to a carbon monoxide detector linked to a big digital readout, next to the school gates, just to remind them of all the highly localised pollution they're generating.

//That's why I enjoy entering them. //

I'm still convinced you're actually a DM employee just trying to generate more website traffic ;-)

Quite so mikey444

An apology is not needed was indeed Tom Conti who made the daft remark. My argument is with the headline writer of the DM ( and the ST apparently)

And whiskeryron...the voice of common sense, although common sense can sometimes get you into trouble here on AB !
Under new labour we became the most watched people in the world.

There's none more paranoid than socialists.
I don't think it was anything do do with socialists, or the government generally, doctorb; it was technology. It became possible to do it, and then affordable, so people do it.
I don't agree jno.

I've always felt that labour and the left tends to be the most suspicious and interfering of the political movements. Even more so within its own ranks.
All for them, I have no problem with people being able to see me and record my movements when in town, I have nothing to hide.
Be fair,Hypo. AOG enjoys posting DM stories because either he is inviting us to show how the DM distorts the facts, or Heaven forbid, he actually believes the DM version and expects us to do the same and comment approvingly. In either case, he is making News the site which it is. Isn't that right, AOG ?
If you squeeze local authorities so hard that they have to dream up 'schemes' to generate revenue - whether it's paying to park in your own town centre (which the out of town supermarkets love!), speed traps or the CCTV discussed here - then it's the people tightening the budget strings who are responsible.

Who squeezed them first - the Tories or Labour?


AOG has admitted that he does it to tease us so I thought I'd try some of the same. ;-)

In the past, I used to hate the political divide and was sure that there was a 'right' and a 'wrong' side to every debate (and not always the same side winning every debate). These days, I value opposing schools of thought as being the only way to arrive at the sensible middle ground.

Who squeezed them first - the Tories or Labour?

Let me think... it was in the reign of Edward III, wasn't it...

But I think they had to start selling off playing fields under Maggie

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