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Police Investigate Offensive Mural

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mushroom25 | 13:06 Tue 19th Nov 2013 | News
60 Answers

The mural (of an "Alice in Wonderland" theme, at a primary school in Edinburgh) was painted in 1936 and has both artistic and historical significance, as evidenced by its recent restoration under a Heritage Lottery Grant.

If the complaint is upheld and the mural is adjudged to be likely to incite hatred, then clearly it cannot remain in its present form. Yet because of its historical significance, to purge the offensive item would be tantamount to vandalism.

How would you resolve this conundrum?


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Did not the woman concerned visit the school before sending her child there?
In that case she has no grounds for complaint now. If not, she should have.
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I don't recollect a golly in the Alice books either. However, simple solution, paint Maggie Thatcher's face on it then it will be sacrosanct for a thousand years and rally the Scots to remain in the union forever.
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They could either paint the golly's face white, or tell the person who complained that after careful consideration they've decided to do nothing.

Either of those would be a good solution.
If you want to see offensive murals come to N. Ireland. Every area has them but no one does anything to stop them.
I thoroughly dislike gollywogs (despite having a much loved golly as a child) because i recognise that they are based on american minstrels which were racist stereotypes

However, if some misguided person attempted to rewrite art history by retrospectively applying today's standards, then a large amount of excellent public art from our rich heritage would be destined for the skip.

Of all places, a school should be able to articulate to anyone who asks the historical context of the child's toy depicted - and why that type of toy is no longer acceptable
They have to investigate things like this

It's not that dissimilar to the police raids on photography exhibitions

an in Australia

In cases like the one in the case in question or the above it wouldn't be right for the Police to make the decision

They should investigate and the CPS perhaps on advice of art experts decide whether or not there is an issue.

I think this current system is entirely correct.

People calling for 'common sense' are in fact asking for the Police to make arbitary decisions in areas in which they are not expert.

You might think this case is obvious but similar cases might not be.
They could get the person who did this to give it a makeover..
I dont understand why an investigation.

One nut case complains, old Bill pop in on their rounds see that it is old and no problem so close the case.

that is the problem with this.
It might be a different matter if their investigation showed that it wasn't original and had been recently painted in by a restorer with right wing links dont you think?

I'm not suggesting that is the case but it illustrates why they need to be thorough
Common sense seems to be lacking.
Donchajusluvit. I thought the dark faced doll was the ethnic quota as required by the pc mafia.
Just out of interest, how many police were involved? Does taking this further rely on one person's opinion? Not all police are unbiased.
While we're at it, can we get some underpants put on those greek statues. Better still - burkhas.
Yes, deeply offensive and intensely racist. Good use of police time and brownie points to the vigilant mother whose prompt action may prevent the schoolchildren being traumatised.
Could not the authorities employ an art-restoration expert to paint the G*** (sorry can't bring myself to spell out the G-word) face white thus preventing the mural's destruction ?
Some mad hatters about!! Will be complaining next about The White Queen the black kitten and white kitten.
another classic example of the warped and distorted thinking of the PC brigade.

I'm not offended so why should this useless women be ?
But it is offensive.

The continued stereotyping of English school girls as prissy, pinny wearing, alice banded little misses is something that needs to be stamped out.

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