I only went to Hull once, many years ago in the 70's. I have to say that I thought it was the worse place that I had ever been. That was until I went to Blackpool a few years later.
The closest we ever came was in 2009, when the bid to be the City of Culture for 2013 was abandoned because (apparently) the town "lacked ambition" (according to our local paper).
hope it gives it a really good boost in trade and self-confidence. went thre many moons ago and didn't find it that bad - no worse than lots of other places i had been.
I have never understood it. Most of the cities put forward are dumps, or certainly were when I went there. Never been to Hull though, but have a mate who has a farm there. Reckons it is Grim so he lives abroad, maybe he will change his mind now; must ask him later.
The fine old walled city of (London)Derry has benefited hugely from being Coty of Culture and I'm sure Hull will too. I've only been once but I thought it was a good place