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Guesthouse Couple Lose Supreme Court Battle.

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anotheoldgit | 15:28 Wed 27th Nov 2013 | News
238 Answers

Just thought I would enter this on behalf of sp1814, because I think he may be a little shy considering that he has been criticising me for repeating the same stories even though mine were years apart.


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I could introduce you to hundreds of gay couples who had no idea (prior to the media-frenzy) regarding the Policy that the Bulls had regarding 'allowing' them to share the same bed.....would that suffice?
Khandro, //So what I'm asking is when do we expect to see the first Muslim B&B homosexual-refusal-case to come before an English court? I suspect it will be a long time off. //

The only reason it will be a long way off is that a Muslim B&B owner would most likely make his business his priority. He’d rent the room and take the money, as any other hotel owner would do. Business is business. I’ve never seen a hotel in a Muslim country turn a gay couple away – and I’ve stayed in plenty. If they don't ask, they don't know.

//Far from bashing Islam, I'm bashing the English judicial system.//

Why? Where do you think it’s gone wrong?
naomi; //He’d rent the room and take the money, as any other hotel owner would do.// We are not talking hotels here.
jack; the fact that //I could introduce you to hundreds of gay couples who had no idea (prior to the media-frenzy) regarding the Policy that the Bulls had regarding 'allowing' them to share the same be// Well, I'd rather you didn't :-) but it doesn't prove anything, the fact is that the couple concerned knew, the question is; can you prove they didn't?
I can't prove that they didn't......beyond the fact that they have said that they didn't.

I take it that you are able to prove that they did?
Khandro, these people are running a business. Their 'guests' are paying customers.

I'll ask again. Where do you think English judicial system has gone wrong?
I haven't read all the posts (got a bit bored by pg 4) so apologies if this has been come campsites for example can refuse single sex couples? This is on the terms and agreements on the campsite The Boo's go to every year.

"Are there any restrictions on site?
In the interests of our family based site we do not take bookings from young adult single sex parties. "

Now I realise that's to deter rowdy stag/hen do type behaviour on a family campsite, but wouldn't 2 gay men be classed as a single sex party?
No, they would be a same sex couple, not a party.
It's be a party if 2 gay couples went though, surely?
Before the change in the legislation, Mrs JtH and I were turned away from a camp-site which had a similar set of rules, B00.

As we've never bothered to go back, I don't know whether they would still insist on maintaining their stance.
That's what im getting at Jack, it does appear that it's not just this B&B establishment that uses this policy.

B00, I do think it's done to keep the hen/stag parties, etc, out - but that would be a stumbling block to two gay couples booking.
B00, cross-posted there. Unlike the B&B owners in question, the camp site isn't specifically banning gays.
Preddy/Hall wanted a double-bed and had booked a double-bed. On arrival they were confronted with either having to have twin beds, or find alternative accommodation.

They weren't turned away because they were 2 men....they were turned away because they were 2 men who wanted to share a bed.
Yes, I already gathered that Naomi, but like you said, you'd be buggered (no pun intended!) if you were part of a group which consisted of same sex partners wouldn't you?

How can one you have a rule like that if it's apparently illegal to do so?
didn't see your follow on reply Naomi, still, its a grey area isn't it?
It's all about the reason for rejecting a booking.
I couldn't be bothered to argue with the 'Saturday Girl' when we arrived 'on spec' at the campsite.......despite us having had stayed there before.
I imagine that if a group wanted to go away, 'phoning the camp-site in advance and explaining the situation would probably go far into securing the requisite number of pitches.
Not really B00. Hotels, etc, can specify 'adults only', or no same sex groups, but they can't discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation, which is what has happened in this case.

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