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So To Some Black Men, White Women Are Just Trophys To Hang Around Their Necks.

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anotheoldgit | 16:48 Wed 04th Dec 2013 | News
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If this is not demeaning towards white women as well as being blatantly racist I do not know what is.



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Thanks Fred, don't think I'll bother though, I haven't quite got over the pile of bricks, unmade bed or the sheep cut in half yet.
more glittererati, emperors new clothes nonsense eh tony.
Tony, he can't draw that's why he does what he does.
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more glittererati, emperors new clothes nonsense eh tony.

Thats certainly how it comes over to me anyway, emmie.

Mamya, surely he can trace though !.
as pieces of art i don't care for them, however they aren't particularly shocking. Some art i can't abide, The Scream by Edvard Munch being one.
I don't find it shocking either, except that it it deemed as art.
Emmie, that is just plain dangerous!!
it wasn't considered so by the artist presumably, the header actually says three people came a cropper, bonkers.
At least "The Scream" works, emmie. It captures, in paint, agony or nightmare; it certainly works on you ! Do wonder whether, if an 11 year old had sent a piece like a late Picasso (but not one of the 'rude' ones), it would have been accepted as precocious artistic talent. I do think that art is not working if it requires a lecturer to explain it to the viewer. We don't have that in music, even the most modern music, though it doesn't stop us getting extensive programme notes for everything from Bach to Tippett and beyond !
i have been to the Tate Modern a number of times, and came away with the idea that anything goes, one was an almost ceiling high spider ?
i am pretty open minded but i can't stand Damien Hirst, nor that odious Tracy emin, unmade bed and all. i visited the hollowed out house near Roman road, by Rachel Whitehead i think? its gone now, but it was very odd indeed.
it doesn't work for me at all. I don't like unsettling artists like Breugel, Bosch, they remind me of asylums and pain.
i have the same feeling when i listen to music by Schoenberg and one or two others, disconnected and totally without melody, something i prefer.
Perhaps you were looking at a real spider, Em ;)
no, it was a large sculpture, ceiling high, very unnerving. That crack in the floor in the Tate modern must have been someone's idea of a bad joke.
gave me the heebee geebies i can tell you, and i saw it inside the gallery
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/// AOG at 13.13 Thusday : "Come on Lady ABers...///

I hold my hands up, you are quite right and this time I am wrong.

But didn't you also repeat me when there was no need to if it was so stomach churning for you?

/// Come on lady ABers...." Do you think that lady ABers are so cowed by pc that they dare not post on this topic, AOG ? ///

Also in this thread I have used many descriptions of the female sex, ie

"If some 'WOMEN' are not bothered about being classed as a commodity, then that is entirely up to them" also "the majority of 'FEMALE' ABers" and of course that stomach churning one "Come on 'LADY' ABers", then of course there is the plural 'LADIES'.

/// One of the women, OIL, pointed out the same thing: "patronising in itself" ///

Well that's is at least one Woman and yourself Fred who find it all so patronising.

Shall we suggest that the EU force us to scrap all our LADIES signs outside female rest rooms?

When we introduce ourselves to a group of females do we say " Good Evening Women" or "Good Evening Females" or the stomach churning and patronising version "Good Evening Ladies"?

I know which one I will continue to use, the one I always use, and I have never been been corrected before.

"Good evening ladies"

many are just signs on doors of the lavs. Like a rather triangular woman, if you know what i mean. I don't care what people call me as long as its not rude.
You are missing the point, AOG. It is not the word lady or ladies that is patronising, it is the way it is being used that makes it so in any particular instance.

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