Quizzes & Puzzles2 mins ago
Should They Of Printed The Letter?
bit of a debate going on here, should the paper of printed this (ex) reader's letter?
I think it should of been binned as that's were this sort of garbage thinking should reside, others think it should of been printed if only to show what sort of idiots walk our streets
http:// www.hol dthefro ntpage. co.uk/2 013/new s/reade r-cance ls-pape r-over- pervert ed-dale y-cover age/
I think it should of been binned as that's were this sort of garbage thinking should reside, others think it should of been printed if only to show what sort of idiots walk our streets
Sorry, should have clarified that... The rest of us tolerant folk have the right to disagree with Mr Jones... My apologies for forgetting that some people do think that there is something abnormal, wrong or disgusting about homosexualit y.
13:53 Wed 11th Dec 2013
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I've not read all the comments,but I did notice that one ABer thinks its a wind-up. I doubt it very much. There are still plenty of people with the neanderthal views of Mr jones.That is the local paper here in Plymouth,and I doubt very much it needs to generate publicity...particularly in this manner. And yes...they were right to print it
a) its outdated (by several decades) ...not to everybody
b) it's offensive ...............................not to everybody
c) it's prejudiced ........................... isn't everything?
There may well be some bigoted, prejudiced and outdated people but they have the right not to be offended by people with diametrically opposite views.
b) it's offensive ...............................not to everybody
c) it's prejudiced ........................... isn't everything?
There may well be some bigoted, prejudiced and outdated people but they have the right not to be offended by people with diametrically opposite views.
It's an emotive subject. A small section of the population are vehemently homophobic, and they have the right to their viewpoint irrespective of how few other people share it. However irrational the majority of people think it is, publicly at least, having a homophobic opinion isn't illegal, nor is writing a letter to a newspaper stating that opinion. To my mind, the editor was absolutely right to print it.
What is wrong with printing a letter
Dear Sir, I am v v angry, so angry that I sign myself, your sngrily JJJones
surely no one writes to papers and does not expect to be cut,pasted misquoted, taken out of context and ridiculed ?
It is bit like emailing - if you dont want it to be repeated then dont say it !
Dear Sir, I am v v angry, so angry that I sign myself, your sngrily JJJones
surely no one writes to papers and does not expect to be cut,pasted misquoted, taken out of context and ridiculed ?
It is bit like emailing - if you dont want it to be repeated then dont say it !
Local response to 'the letter' and The Heralds printing of it....
http:// www.ply mouthhe rald.co .uk/rea ction-H erald-r eader-s -letter -Tom-Da ley/sto ry-2030 3426-de tail/st ory.htm l
What would be the point of a newspaper with whose opinions I was in 100% agreement, surely there's a need to air a variety of opinions and promote debate.
Someone once said, and I paraphrase because I don't know the correct version, I don't agree with your opinions but I fight to the end to defend your rights to hold them.
Someone once said, and I paraphrase because I don't know the correct version, I don't agree with your opinions but I fight to the end to defend your rights to hold them.
If you believe in democracy and free speech then of course it should have been printed. I'm not familiar with the paper but my local Bournemouth Echo had a regular a few years ago who always got outrageous letters printed - it almost became a featured joke. As it happens I think the Tom Daley story got far too much coverage, it really should have been a non-event.
Should have been a non-event, but we are many, many years away from that.
The reason why is because Tom Daley isn't an athlete who retired a few years ago. He's still got his best years to come. Also because there are so few LGBT sports stars who are open, the first few to confirm, will cause a media flurry.
The eighth woman Prime Minister will not be big news.
Margaret Thatcher becoming the first female PM was big news.
Same here.
The reason why is because Tom Daley isn't an athlete who retired a few years ago. He's still got his best years to come. Also because there are so few LGBT sports stars who are open, the first few to confirm, will cause a media flurry.
The eighth woman Prime Minister will not be big news.
Margaret Thatcher becoming the first female PM was big news.
Same here.