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Could This By Any Stretch Of The Imagination Be Classed As Tory Propaganda?

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anotheoldgit | 14:53 Fri 13th Dec 2013 | News
52 Answers

/// Parents have complained to David Cameron after a Tory councillor used a picture of their children sledging on his Christmas card without their permission. ///

/// ‘My children have been recognised by many people in the community who have now wrongly made the assumption that my family are Conservative Party supporters. ///



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‘I was disgusted when I found out and my wife was seething."

..meanwhile my son was enfuriated, my daughter fumed, but my uncle remained only slightly disgruntled.

ludwig - Auntie Lilly was incandescent with rage, Uncle Wif exploded in temper, and Cousin Bertram was mightily miffed!!
Aunt was discombobulated
..Tiddles the cat was appalled.
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/// It does not matter if they are children or adults, permission, preferably written consent must be sought. ///

I wonder if the photographer applied for written consent from the parents of these children?
No permission is needed to take photos of adults or children in a public place.
The photographer holds the copyright and can do with the photos whatever he likes.
The oldest brother was in a snit.
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/// Come on AOG, this is nit-picking and you know it! ///

At last, that is my very point.
There seems some confusion here. Some contributors have suggested - indeed the Mail article makes a point of it - that it is perfectly legal to take pictures of children in public.

If that is so, how is it not also legal to re-use a picture you yourself have taken showing kids larking about in the snow as a christmas card? I fail to see the need to get permission, written or otherwise...
AOG - I agree with your point that permission is not required for anyone taking photos or filming in a public place, but that does not negate the point that using such images in this way is inappropriate.

I similarly do not think that compensation would be appropriate, but in the spirit of Christmas, maybe an apology card to the parents involved would be a nice gesture.
AOG - "/// Come on AOG, this is nit-picking and you know it! ///

At last, that is my very point."

I don't think that you being mischievous with me about my 'official' Christmas cards really equates with this family's upset at the inference of their political beliefs being posted through the letterboxes of their community - do you?
Lazyun "If that is so, how is it not also legal to re-use a picture you yourself have taken showing kids larking about in the snow as a christmas card? I fail to see the need to get permission, written or otherwise..."

Our posts crossed, but as you say, permission is not required to film or photograph in a public place.

My contention is that use of such a photograoh in the way it has been used - on official council Christmas cards, does infer that the family involved could be seen as Conservative supporters in general, and of the councillor in particular, and I would agree with them that this is unacceptable.
// I fail to see the need to get permission, written or otherwise... //

I don't know if it's a legal requirement LG, but it'd certainly be good manners I would have thought.
@andy I see your point, but I don't agree with it :) They might indeed be in a snit - I might be a tad miffed myself, were I in their shoes, being no fan of the Tories - but to try and extrapolate this and suggest that all their friends and community would a recognise their kids and b draw the conclusion that therefore this means they must be closet tories is a bit of a stretch.

They should treasure the card for its ironic humour and the fact that it shows their kids uncomplicatedly playing in a winter wonderland, IMO
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/// This councillor will have personal cards to friends and family from himself and family, which are the sort we all send. ///

And how could you possibly know that, there are many people these days that have personal greeting cards printed with photos of themselves, pets etc printed on them.

/// He will also have 'official cards', as he has indicated, with different scenes on, sent to his constituents, and no doubt funded by his party, which is all well and good. ///

And where does it say that? What it does say...

*** Mr Peach, who has distributed 3,800 Christmas cards with a variety of designs including the sledging picture, said he did nothing wrong in taking the photo. ***

As a councillor, just as anyone in business etc tend to send out more cards at this time of the year that the average household does, it just means that they have more contacts than most, and there is nothing sinister in their motives for doing so.

LazyGun - speaking personally - would I be miffed it it was my children? yes, I would. Would I make a media issue out of it? No I wouldn't - I don't think it's that important, but that said, i would support the parents concerned if they wish to take the matter further - it is their children in the photo, not mine.

It's obvious that not every recipient of the card in question would know the family concerned, or recognise the children - but if it was just one person who queried the family's politics on the basis of what appears to be tacit approval, I would say that is still one too many.

You could argue that the parents are making an issue of this - but if the councillor had used a little thought in his choice of official card image, there would be no need, because there would be no issue.

In my view, the fault lies with the councillor who was thoughtless in his actions, not thinking of others.

The fact that he is a Tory is, I am entirely sure, a coincidence!!!
AOG - "Question Author

/// This councillor will have personal cards to friends and family from himself and family, which are the sort we all send. ///

And how could you possibly know that, there are many people these days that have personal greeting cards printed with photos of themselves, pets etc printed on them."

I don't know that - but i think most would agree that this is common practice for people in business, and for family and personal friends.

"As a councillor, just as anyone in business etc tend to send out more cards at this time of the year that the average household does, it just means that they have more contacts than most, and there is nothing sinister in their motives for doing so."

To use your oft-used retort - where have i said there was anything sinister in the councillor's motives?

I don't think he has been sinister in the slightest.

Thoughtless, but not sinister.
I think it is a charming winter scene of his council ward - there is nothing more to it than that.
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/// on official council Christmas cards, does infer that the family involved could be seen as Conservative supporters in general ///

Can only be classed as official if it was printed "Christmas Greetings from your Local Conservative Councillor" for example.

But I don't think that it did so 'Official' it is not.
AOG - "anotheoldgit

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/// on official council Christmas cards, does infer that the family involved could be seen as Conservative supporters in general ///

Can only be classed as official if it was printed "Christmas Greetings from your Local Conservative Councillor" for example.

But I don't think that it did so 'Official' it is not"

I'll put a fiver on it that it was 'from your local Tory councillor!

Are we two old gentlemen dogs fighting over a bone because neither of us will offer the other the last word?

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