Quizzes & Puzzles5 mins ago
Good On You Boris, 2 Years Before They Get Benefits,
Pity the rest of the Government cant agree!
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-25 35129/B an-immi grants- claimin g-benef its-TWO -YEARS- says-Bo ris-Joh nson-we eks-gov ernment -extend ed-thre e-month s.html
//Mr Cameron announced EU migrants will have to wait for at least three months before they can claim any out-of-work benefits // It should be extended to five years - and not just for those from the EU - for all immigrants. I don't agree that migrants should be exempt from paying taxes for a similar period - they are all using the facilities their taxes go towards...
10:43 Wed 08th Jan 2014
Boris is not in Government so he can say any *** he likes. There is no way he can deliver on this statement so it is pointless reporting it.
The Government could say all parking should be free in the capital and it would be a very popular statement, but the Government aren't responsible for parking in London, Boris is. Likewise, Boris id not responsible for immigration or welfare policy, so he should just concentrated on the job he was elected to do.
The Government could say all parking should be free in the capital and it would be a very popular statement, but the Government aren't responsible for parking in London, Boris is. Likewise, Boris id not responsible for immigration or welfare policy, so he should just concentrated on the job he was elected to do.
-- answer removed --
One remark from Boris is worth more than thousands of letters and ABer like posts. We need people like Boris who are not shackled by pollitical correctness.
I would add it's not only the child benefits that are paid for children living in the UK but the benefits paid for children ( many non existent ) still living in their home countries. This has been the case for years especially in corrupt countries like Pakstan, where it just requires a local official to tick the box our councils send them and we accept it.
I have told you this before of Pakistanis who claim for the children of their relatives , still living in Pakistan.
IMO most benefits should be restricted to people living here. An exception would be OAPs but even those should not be getting extras like the winter fuel allowance. Our whole benefit system is a farce.
I would add it's not only the child benefits that are paid for children living in the UK but the benefits paid for children ( many non existent ) still living in their home countries. This has been the case for years especially in corrupt countries like Pakstan, where it just requires a local official to tick the box our councils send them and we accept it.
I have told you this before of Pakistanis who claim for the children of their relatives , still living in Pakistan.
IMO most benefits should be restricted to people living here. An exception would be OAPs but even those should not be getting extras like the winter fuel allowance. Our whole benefit system is a farce.
// it's not only the child benefits that are paid for children living in the UK but the benefits paid for children ( many non existent ) still living in their home countries. This has been the case for years especially in corrupt countries like Pakstan, where it just requires a local official to tick the box our councils send them and we accept it.
I have told you this before of Pakistanis who claim for the children of their relatives , still living in Pakistan. //
I find that hard to believe, do you have any proof?
If it is true, Iain Funcan Smith should be sacked immediately.
// it's not only the child benefits that are paid for children living in the UK but the benefits paid for children ( many non existent ) still living in their home countries. This has been the case for years especially in corrupt countries like Pakstan, where it just requires a local official to tick the box our councils send them and we accept it.
I have told you this before of Pakistanis who claim for the children of their relatives , still living in Pakistan. //
I find that hard to believe, do you have any proof?
If it is true, Iain Funcan Smith should be sacked immediately.
Gromit, whether you like it or not Boris is a figurehead and is a very likley candidate for the next Tory leader so ?I think it probably is important that the public know what he thinks. Otherwise how do we make a call on him?
I think he is going in the right direction. We cannot fund all the poor countries clamoring to enter the EU in the coming years.
I think he is going in the right direction. We cannot fund all the poor countries clamoring to enter the EU in the coming years.
Certainly tax credits and child benefit are available (if in EEA)
http:// www.hmr c.gov.u k/taxcr edits/s tart/cl aiming/ family- not-in- uk.htm
https:/ /www.go v.uk/ch ild-ben efit/el igibili ty
Not sure about outside it though (unless you lie)
Not sure about outside it though (unless you lie)
jno, I think you have missed the point totally.
The idea is that to claim benefits you should have paid into the system for a short while, say two years.
1) This helps pay for whatever is to come and
2) it stops migrants coming solely to claim benefits (and never work).
This is no different to many insurances, particularly health and employment, where a certain time must pass before you can claim on all benefits of the policy.
Of course, you may be happy to pay your taxes (do you pay any) to all and sundry and you are entitled to that opinion, perhaps if we adopted the two year policy you and your right-on mates could continue paying the migrants whist those of us who prefer not to dont?
The idea is that to claim benefits you should have paid into the system for a short while, say two years.
1) This helps pay for whatever is to come and
2) it stops migrants coming solely to claim benefits (and never work).
This is no different to many insurances, particularly health and employment, where a certain time must pass before you can claim on all benefits of the policy.
Of course, you may be happy to pay your taxes (do you pay any) to all and sundry and you are entitled to that opinion, perhaps if we adopted the two year policy you and your right-on mates could continue paying the migrants whist those of us who prefer not to dont?
Boris is Mayor of London and has many responsibilities. Immigration and benefit are not part of his duties. Presumably he was being interviewed as London Mayor, so he should not be trying to oust Cameron by contradicting Government policies.
If he has ambitions to lead the Conservative Party then there is a process for that. In the meantime he should get on with the job he was elected to do.
If he has ambitions to lead the Conservative Party then there is a process for that. In the meantime he should get on with the job he was elected to do.
//Mr Cameron announced EU migrants will have to wait for at least three months before they can claim any out-of-work benefits //
It should be extended to five years - and not just for those from the EU - for all immigrants.
I don't agree that migrants should be exempt from paying taxes for a similar period - they are all using the facilities their taxes go towards funding.
It should be extended to five years - and not just for those from the EU - for all immigrants.
I don't agree that migrants should be exempt from paying taxes for a similar period - they are all using the facilities their taxes go towards funding.
cont : A Muslim can marry several wives under Sharia Law in his home country and then bring them here legally with their children. Once here these wives are treated as single mums and can all claim child benefits.
http:// www.dai lymail. co.uk/n ews/art icle-20 37998/U K-immig ration- Polygam y-welfa re-bene fits-in sidious -silenc e.html
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