// But regarding this, that is what this country is becoming more often good at, and that is crying ourselves down.
It is either our Government, our Armed Forces, or our Police etc, etc, we are now according to the news blaming our retail outlets for the vile conditions in Bangladesh sweat shops. //
The world has changed. People have greater access to information, and a lot of that information is not controlled by the Government and the mainstream. That is the reason we see more criticism. The Gpvernment, Police and Military are not any worse than they were 30 years ago (they are probably better), but it is harder to cover up, hide, keep mistakes secret because of technology.
For example, people now carry a camera and movie camera with them all of the time. So more images are captured of people breaking the law, being fooling or generally behaving badly. Sometimes that includes people who are supposed to be working for us, who are disgracing us.
Another difference is that 30 years ago, if you had a photo it was very difficult to put it in the public domain. Fleet Street and TV Editors mindful of getting knighted or honours would kill stories, especially if it was against the establishment. Only journals like Private Eye had any independence. Now people bye pass the mainstream media and post their videos on YouTube. Post their pictures in a blog. So we get to learn and see a lot more these days.
We also demand more transparency of our servants. But now they have a greater chance of being found out. So the challenge is for the police, military, and Government to start to obey the law like the rest of us and not think themselves exempt.