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Here is what other people have had to say
Somerset locals expect some flooding, but they also expect "flood defence" to mean exactly that - locals pay £400K a year but get less than nothing.
Selling all dredging equipment, lowering river banks, not dredging for 20 years, flooding fields for wading birds, filling flood relief reservoirs in summer, building a £18m wildlife saltmarsh, a biased grant system, building mariners next to £10m homes and creating policy of flooding the flood plain on purpose doesn't quite qualify does it ?
The EA knew the problem from the floods in 2012, locals asked for help and the EA promptly did nothing - even though their own modelling said dredging would help.
We pay taxes to provide flooding solutions in extreme conditions - not create guaranteed conditions for flooding.
southeast army helping to try and prevent flood damage in staight away. Southwest how long is it we have been without help!!!!
Just some other peoples views down here.