Sad to hear of his passing, although not surprised. He had to cancel several speaking engagements last year through ill-health and 88 is not a bad innings.
As others have already commented, he was almost an anachronism when compared with todays politicians - committed, passionate, measured and intelligent, and most important of all - a conviction politician. These are increasingly few and far between, it seems to me, to the detriment of our political class.
Heard him speak several times over the years. One of the best and most powerful debaters I have had the pleasure of listening to.
As an aside - I did not agree with Bob Crow over his insistence upon remaining in his council house - I felt that he earned a good living and could have easily afforded to move out and free up the property for more needy clients - but it is untrue that his salary was £150K per year; His salary was £96K as of 2012