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Niel Hamilton

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Farriercm | 21:13 Thu 03rd Apr 2014 | News
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Niel Hamilton, former Tory MP .Who is now UKIPs Campaign Manager,is to visit Gibraltar next week to help launch the partys EU Election Campaign. There is no stopping these free loaders, even with a Prison sentence behind him .


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Tora // GIB is non EU already // As mentioned above, it does vote in the European elections and IS part of the EU. // South West England (Cornish: Dychow-houlsedhas Pou an Zouzn) is a constituency of the European Parliament. For 2009 it elects 6 MEPs using the d'Hondt method of party-list proportional representation, reduced from 7 in 2004. The constituency...
09:21 Fri 04th Apr 2014
Hamilton is part of the panel on Any Questions tonight, for those that may be interested.....Radio 4 at 20.00.
Will he receive his fee in a plain brown envelope?
It was "cash for questions" with Neil Hamilton (in envelopes or brown paper bags was mentioned at that time),
sandy...naughty, naughty ! I expect that lovely wife of his will have the fee safely in her handbag.
a muesli-muncher, mike, is a light hearted epithet for someone of left/liberal disposition. a bit like when you call people stupid, uneducated, swivel eyed knuckle-draggers,,,,,,,,,,,,,only, somehow, nicer. :-)
Good Morning and thanks for your reply Svejk.

I haven't used the term knuckle dragger for quite a long time now.
I acknowledged that it wasn't terribly popular amongst the more faint-hearted among us here on AB, so bowed to pressure and now refrain from its use. I am keeping it in reserve however, so it may make a reappearance at some time in the future, if the need arises.

If I remember, the swivel-eyed loon remark was supposed to have been made from within the Tory party. Again, I no longer use this phrase, as I have no desire to intrude upon private grief, but if it is used by the Tories again in the future, I may report that occurrence here on AB.

I have googled "swivel-eyed loon" this morning and have come up with the following, independent view of the phrase ::::;source=univ&sa=X&ei=ZVY-U8-xA-ud7gbHkoDoBg&ved=0CEoQsAQ&biw=1024&bih=728

Remember, I am not responsible for the inclusion of any of the individuals on the link ! Nice to see one of my favourite comedians amongst the collection, Marty Feldman.

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Think Hamilton ,Jonathan Aitken, and a few,other names , helped form what was then known as the Sleaze party,under Thatcher,Something to do with Hotel bills and Brown envelopes
yes^ marvellous that no labour mps were caught up in the expenses scandal.
Sleeze occurs in all parties Farriercm. Politics seems to attract more than its fair share of chancers. But it speak volumes that Hamilton, a former Tory Minister is now working for UKIP, rather than his old allegiance. And people say that there is no connection between UKIP and the Tories !
Farriercm. hope you don't mind me saying but you seem very confused.
Gibralta is in the South West England European Constituency and has 2 UKiP MEPs and 4 Conservative MEPs. It is a target for UKiP to take some of those Tory MEPs, so Hamilton visiting the Constituency is entirely proper.

Hamilton is not a freeloader, he is a UKiP official, and any expenses in electioneering will be paid for by UKiP.
A troll.
Gromit...I had no idea that Gib was part of the UK, as far as Euro elections go ! It isn't part of the Westminster Parliament, so this is a surprise for me.
But if Hamilton does manage to persuade enough Gib voters to leave the Tories and join UKIP, I can't see that a whole more has been achieved.
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They are all living of the fat of the land ,or the tax payer, no matter what party, and to Quote a frequent poster in AB ------End of.
Mikey, GIB is non EU already what use for UKIP would they have?

// GIB is non EU already //

As mentioned above, it does vote in the European elections and IS part of the EU.

// South West England (Cornish: Dychow-houlsedhas Pou an Zouzn) is a constituency of the European Parliament. For 2009 it elects 6 MEPs using the d'Hondt method of party-list proportional representation, reduced from 7 in 2004.

The constituency consists of the South West England region of the United Kingdom, comprising the ceremonial counties of Bristol, Cornwall, Devon, Dorset, Gloucestershire, Somerset and Wiltshire. It also includes the British Overseas Territory of Gibraltar.

Before the 2004 election, it was expanded to include Gibraltar. This was the result of a 1999 European Court of Human Rights case, which argued that Gibraltar should be entitled to vote in European elections. Spain took a complaint about Gibraltar participating in European elections to the European Court of Justice, but their case was unsuccessful. //
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Spot on Gromit.

UKiP came 2nd in the 2009 election with 13 MEPs. The Conservatives got 26 MEPs. If UKiP can take 7 MEPs from the Conservatives they win the election. It is not impossible. It would boost their credibility and be a morale boost for the party. Which is why the places in The South West can make a difference and why the Gibralta vote is important. The anti Spanish vote from Gibralta voters could swing the vote to UKiP.
OK so how come I can get duty free when I go to Gib then? you know the old 200 cigs, litre of spirt rules etc.

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