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Who'd Be A Teacher These Days?

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ToraToraTora | 15:17 Mon 28th Apr 2014 | News
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Knife weilding savages running around. What's it comming to?


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Well just got back to this and as someone who has had the occasional yellow card from the ED I'm suprised that SP is getting away with turning this, otherwise promising thread, into some sort of racism issue. Really SP the mask is slipping here mate, no one mentioned race but you. You then use the fact that on other threads some have focussed on colour as an excuse to preempt it here. Mostly you try and be constructive but from now on I'll always be wondering about the hidden agenda you seem to have as baggage.

So - can we agree from here on in to never mention the race of a crime suspect unless it is ABSOLUTELY key to the story?

No more, sarcastic "So this is the benefits of immigration" crap?

I would *happily* accede to this.

Would make AB a much more pleasant place to be.

I'm sure everyone who feels that race should not be a factor in discussing knife crime would agree.

I'm definitely up for it.

Totally right.

My agenda is to stop a certain person on AB from using knife crime stories to trot out his anti-black agenda.

If I can use this opportunity to highlight how inappropriate that is, then all to the good.
perhaps if stats or actual data were used in determining those who cause death by knife, gun, then that might be more acceptable.
Someone is colour blind lol.
SP, you have hunted for a post back in 2008 - 6 years ago. So I guess you couldn't find anything a bit newer?

I'm not defending it, but you have, of course, taken it out of context; it appears to have been quite a heated debate. In addition at the time Thanks to Blair and Bottler any discussion on ethnics and the 'Race' card was played infuriating many.

I still maintain you had no need to bring it up on this thread. By doing so you are deliberately trying to stoke the fire and provoke people.

Apologies for trying to derail your thread...and getting back to *this* story! I think we are VERY lucky in the UK that we have not seen the kind of stories which are depressingly regular in the US.

I think we can agree that the number of guns on the streets of our larger cities is extremely worrying, yet we have never seen a mass shooting.

I had completely forgotten that Dunblane was a school killing event. I think I had it down as a mass killing along the lines of Hungerford.
Dunblane killing not by pupil though.Andy Murray lucky he forgot his sport's kit that day as I believe some of his class were murdered.I also read that it is believed this boy had been on anti-depressants which can play hell with chemicals in the brain.
no it wasn't, but the fact remains children lost their lives,
awful cases

/// So before any of you clamber up of your high horses, recognise that these kinds of statements have been made in relation to black kids an AB for years. ///

Before you refer to past threads get matters into perspective and taking comments that I made completely out of context to suit your own agenda, as in this case I was not crying down black kids per-se but certain obnoxious, disgusting, savage rapists who happen to be black.

Read the crime that they committed against this poor girl and tell me honestly that they don't deserve every insulting descriptive that one can find to bestow on these savages, or do you think it is wrong to insult them simply because their skin color happens to be black?

No - you are now being both reductive and a recidivist.

But that's why we all love you.

(Imagines look of horror and confusion that prompts and smiles).
Perhaps aog can explain how this is /not crying down black kids per-se /

///When are you hand wringing leffties going to wake up and admit that it is not the colour of their skin, but their whole culture that makes them the savages they are.

I must admit that along with the black music and drug scene, some of our own youth are now beginning copy some of the black culture, but to commit crimes like this even they would draw the line at. ///
recidivist means repeat offender, as in criminal, don't think he really fits the bill do you
zeuhl, nothing new about that, white kids have been copying black kids, and the music for ages, not to mention the big band, swing era early on which was largely brought here by US black orchestras, like Duke Ellington,
our own black kids have been copying the American rap culture for a long time, much of it misogynistic c rap.
Sorry - premature submit

So ...

/their whole culture

/the black music and drug scene/
/the black culture/

.. makes them the savages they are/

so not denigrating 'black kids per se' at all

you couldn't make it up - and wouldn't want to unless you were a comedy writer called J Speight

AOG was pulled up a couple of years ago, because it was noticed that he called black criminals savages.

He then tried to sidestep this by (occasionally) using the same word for white criminals.

But unfortunately, by that point - we knew what he was up to.

He went on to describe the killers of Lee Rigby as 'black savages' (his post has subsequently been removed).

It's because of this, that some have come to certain conclusions about AOG. I myself now don't think he's racist per se (although I used to).

I now think that he will forcefully put a point in order to stimulate debate.

Now - that's me being as fair as I possibly can.

Oh, and you're 100% correct. The word 'recidivist' means a criminal repeat offender. I was being a little 'prosaic'.

You wrote:

Read the crime that they committed against this poor girl and tell me honestly that they don't deserve every insulting descriptive that one can find to bestow on these savages, or do you think it is wrong to insult them simply because their skin color happens to be black?"

Would it be okay for me to call Max Clifford a filthy white pervert?

Be honest - if I wrote something like that, would you not pull me up on it?

If you can call the murderers of Lee Rigby 'black savages', would it be okay for me to infer someone's race otherwise?

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