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This Story Made Me Feel Sick To My Stomach.

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Jeza | 10:55 Wed 30th Apr 2014 | News
118 Answers
I know there are people who will say 'serves him right' but ino this is so wrong.


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Jordy ma wee sausage...I know exactly what you mean , however speaking as a ..quite..good catholic girl, murder is still murder and two wrongs never make a right.....still luvs ya xxx
I have no sympathy for them at all, they are killers, rapists and murderers - I am sure if the victim was a member of my family I would want him to suffer (the victims family suffer for the rest of their lives) - Lethal injection is the choice of the USA, all the perpetrators know this before they commit their horrendous crimes.

coarsens us all

no wonder the American put up with torture and call it extreme interrogation.

Sp - anaesthesia - is not a quik wotsit -
and none of the anaesthetists will co operate.

Some of the people on death row sued the British makers of thiopentone for manufacturing a drug used in a cruel and unusual punishment

the case report is somewhere

and the result is ... no worldwide thio.

some book reader said - oh neva mind we (they) can use midaz - completely unsuitable - and there was a botched execution on that

There is a good episode on The Good Wife on a botched execution
and all the shenanigans and evasions the authorities use to try to get a cart with three wheels and a wooden leg - " to roll on cowboy " !
' dead man walking ' !
etc etc
A vet has put two of my dogs and a cat to sleep over the years, very peacefully. Why can't the authorities do they same for a murderer?
Ladybird because your animals have not committed a crime - how about the lovely people who have led admirable lives and then have to die in agony - because we do not allow euthanasia - surely this should be the priority - not give murderers a pain free, easy exit.

/// A country that violates human rights, ///

That was a sarcastic comment on my part.
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No sympathy whatsoever, did he have any for his victims
Pixie ///A quick painless death would have been enough to stop him doing it again./// Yep, that would work!

I am with sqad on this one - no compassion at all.

Goodlife would probably come up with this one:
for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword (Matthew 26:52),
Any Country or State that has the death penalty is duty bound to do it right and humanely, otherwise they lower themselves to the level of the murderous criminals they are dispatching.
I wanted to read what he'd done first before I decided and when I read that he'd buried ALIVE a young girl, then yes, I will say 'serves him right'! All my pity and compassion is for his poor victim and HER family.
If you are buried alive, with a gunshot wound, I wonder how long it takes to die?

When you're under the soil, terrified, your body in agony as the falling oxygen level burns your lungs, and tears at your throat, and you can't scream because someone has stamped soil into your face, and your mouth is full of dirt and worms, and as you suffocate the pain gets worse, and worse, and worse ...

I wonder if 40 minutes seems like a long time?
The usual polaised viewpoints come up - as they always do in these situations.

As i see it, the situation is this -

Someone carries out a barbaric murder involving pain and suffering.

Society has two choices - incarcerate that individual for life, or do as he or she did, and carry out a barbaric muder involving pain and suffering, which effectilvey makes society a killer in the same way, without the mitigation od any circumstances - mental or personality disorder, crime of passion, and so on and so on.

Murder is barbaric and wrong - just because you call it 'execution' does not alter that fact.

You can call an ass a horse, but it doesn't shorten its ears!
What he did was terrible, but it's not right that he suffered because mistakes were made.
If we must execute people -and I don't think we should - do it quickly and cleanly.
j.j. a very thought provoking post, perhaps 40 minutes for him to die was not long enough.
baza - that view, and others like it, demeans us all, and reduce us to the levels of the murderer - and surely no-one wants that sort of alighment?
I take your point Andy, but in this instance I would say that it served the barsteward right. If the family feel aggrieved, then let them take the appropriate authority to court to account for their actions
Good,let him suffer.He wont be suffering now but his victims family will.
Andy, it's not a very humane attitude. But if someone had killed one of my friends by burying them alive, they wouldn't need to waste money on lethal drugs.

They could just tie them down, and leave me with them with a decent knife.

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