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This Story Made Me Feel Sick To My Stomach.

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Jeza | 10:55 Wed 30th Apr 2014 | News
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I know there are people who will say 'serves him right' but ino this is so wrong.


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In my opinion by taking this mans life the people responsible for that decision are no better than he is. We are supposed to be better than that. It is barbaric that in a modern society that we live in that the death penalty is still carried out, and they can't even get that right.
I can't help but feel for the people involved in administering the death penalty when it all goes to plan, how on earth must those involved in botched executions feel?

I am against the death penalty at the best of times.
//ncarcerate that individual for life, or do as he or she did, and carry out a barbaric muder i//

Except in this country due to bleeding hear liberals there is a third choice. Let them out to do it again after 8 years. Is that right?
i'm with jj on this. I would have me him suffer deliberately. no bother at all.
I'm a "bleeding heart liberal" but don't think our sentences are long enough. I think a lifetime behind bars regretting your crimes is more appropriate than short sentences or death.
I didn't think we were talking about short sentences, which I agree are laughable at times if it wasn't so damned tragic.

So as his crime was horrific in every sense, he deserved to be tortured at his end?

So what next? We grade these murderers by the severity or speed in which they killed their victims?

Someone shoots another and they die instantly, so he gets put to his end swiftly?

Ridiculous notion.
Good point young.
It is easy to type on a random website that you think executing a convicted killer makes society just as bad as the killer.
If it was your child that was buried alive and left to die, would you really be wanting the animal to live the rest of his days in a comfortable prison?

I think some ABers would change their view if it happened to one of their own.
No sympathy at all.
My young relative was abused several times when 12 yrs old.
She is still suffering today, and her life is ruined by memories.
Wish her abuser was in this mans position locked up in prison.
He buried a teenager alive!! I have no pity whatsoever for him . Good riddance.
Roy, I could never torture another human being in any circumstance and I thank goodness for that.
Absolutely barbaric in a civilised country, legalised murder.
Roy, of course none of us know how we would feel if it was our loved one who had been raped and murdered unless we had actually lived through it.

All I know is that if I were the victim, I wouldn't want the perpetrator to die in my name. I would want that person to spend years if not decades sitting in a small cell regretting every action. I wouldn't want them to have the release from their crimes that the death sentence would provide.
I accept that the man deserved to suffer but it is not a humane way for any civilised country to behave.

I am totally against the death penalty, I see it as an easy way out. let them suffer by means of a judicial system.

If ever I was convicted of such a crime I would choose the death penalty over life in prison any time.

“I do not fear death. I had been dead for billions and billions of years before I was born, and had not suffered the slightest inconvenience from it.”
Mark Twain
All I know is that if I were the victim

That is not an answer to what I said, 2sp. I was talking about our children.
If this grotesque death had happened to my child I would want to personally bludgeon the killer to a slow painful death.
In answer to the forthcoming replies...Yes you are better humans beings than me, congratulations.

Awful story!

Like Mamya I don't think I could torture another human being, no matter what they had done 'to deserve it'.

I would never say that I am a better person than anyone - I could kill in self defence of my children/grandchildren but mete out a torturous punishment in cold blood - No.
Roy, I said that none of us could really know how we would feel if our child was the victim.

I don't think I'm a better human being than you because I don't want to take another's life regardless of what they have done to me or my family.

I would want someone to suffer years and years of confinement and captivity rather than dying a clinically engineered death.
a bullet to the head would have been quick.

Doctors called a halt to the procedure but the 38-year-old, who shot a teenager and buried her alive in a shallow grave, was pronounced dead around 25 minutes later after apparently suffering a heart attack.
roufromaus - "It is easy to type on a random website that you think executing a convicted killer makes society just as bad as the killer.
If it was your child that was buried alive and left to die, would you really be wanting the animal to live the rest of his days in a comfortable prison?

I think some ABers would change their view if it happened to one of their own."

I do not simply type this on AB, it is a view I would express if ever the subject came up, or if I was asked anywhere, any time.

It is easy to be emotive, and to say that I would easily kill someone who hurt or killed my family, but that is not a view that any normal person would act on - merely wish to act on.

So, my position is this - for someone unknown to me, in which I have no personal involvement, I regard capital punishment as legalised torture and murder which brings society down to the killer's level and solves nothing.

For someone who is known to me, I would wish the killer a thousand deaths, but in order to maintain my own sanity, i would want an appropriate prison sentence, and then i would make myself move on, in order not to ruin my life consumed by futile hatred - my loved one would never want that for me.

Easy? Simple? Of course not, but moral dilemas never are.

I have simply reached an accomodation that allows me to live with myself and not be burned up by impotent rage.

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