Looking at the film, it appears that the policeman reacted instantly and in temper by tazering the individual. As I understand it, that is not the purpose for which tazers are issued - they are to prevent personal violence against the officer and / or members of the public. This was hardly the case here - unpleasant behaviour certainly, and technically an...
I think it is useful for you to know we are all videoed in police cells - - - and so we havent seen the rest
which apparently the jury did.
In Strangeways they have snatch teams for men who wont come out of their cells - and er they come out priddy quig.
One of the them ran a judo club that I attended. ( which enabled me to take a knife off a man in the street ) so I was forever grateful to him.
You should on u tube find a viddy of a semi naked man being repeatedly tasered in an airport ( I think ) he falls of the ledge and dies.
Blind tazer case centred on whether the p'lice man had shouted a warning to the fella
The p'lice man said he certainly had
the blind man - who has better hearing than us in compensation - was adamant he hadnt
jury believed the p'liceman
at the disciplinary the policeman successfully pleaded that he had followed the current rules so they couldnt screw him
everyone knows that if am employer has a rule book and you follow it you can t be blamed....
The blind man commented later - they didnt even come and say sorry they tasered me.
I expect some of you metrosexuals on here are more 'au fait' with men's pants than I am but I'd much rather be hit in the face with a fist than a pair of manky keks. I guarantee that every bloke I know feels the same. (and would batter scrote-boy to within an inch of his life, or worse)
I know this is a bit of a mad idea but how about not throwing your dirty underwear into other peoples faces.
"We can only be grateful that our Police don't carry guns, because if they did, this young man would be dead by now."
Although police aren't routinely armed, a fair few coppers do overtly carry guns Mikey, including Wiltshire Police. I recall you previously had a job as a jorno for a newspaper, was it one of the red-tops?.
Orderlimit from your link
> The use of Taser is one of a number of tactical options available to selected officers who have undertaken rigorous training and assessment. <
from the mail a few years back
>Police have also turned their Tasers on stray dogs, runaway sheep and even, accidentally, on themselves. <
it would seem from this rigorous training at least they know which way to point it
DB, Just for the record, I'm generally not part of the Anti-Police Brigade, What I am against is the Bad-Apples hiding within the Force, the ones that think putting on a Uniform puts them above the Law and consequently behave as such.
That Kid could easily have been controlled without the use of an
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