Only Be Used In Exceptional Circumstances in The AnswerBank: News
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Only Be Used In Exceptional Circumstances

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DrFilth | 07:13 Thu 01st May 2014 | News
99 Answers
think some plods just like to torture people

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Looking at the film, it appears that the policeman reacted instantly and in temper by tazering the individual. As I understand it, that is not the purpose for which tazers are issued - they are to prevent personal violence against the officer and / or members of the public. This was hardly the case here - unpleasant behaviour certainly, and technically an...
13:57 Thu 01st May 2014
Disgraceful !
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We can only be grateful that our Police don't carry guns, because if they did, this young man would be dead by now. Disgraceful.
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much better in the old days when you use to fall down the stairs and get battered with a truncheon
Is there suppose to be sound with that?

The footage is too short to be able to make a judgment.
That statement is way OTT, mikey. Still disgraceful though.
No ummm- it says the video has no sound.
What exactly was OTT roy ? Some of police are now out of control and we should face up to it.
good enough for the dirty scrote. I don't know how the police restrain themselves so well.
Need to see more of that video I think, on the actions I saw then then the taser was unjustified IMO, but I'd like to see the previous few minutes.
Come on DrFilth, a naked man is just as dangerous and threatening as a blind stroke victim with a white stick...


If juries clear coppers of these assaults, and internally, the police fail to discipline officers for breaking their own use guidelines, then serious attacks on the public will continue to regularly occur.
I read on another site that the naked man had hit the officer earlier when he was arrested.

We were not in court, but how the jury could clear the officer of assault is a mystery. The tazered man was unharmed and naked and outnumbered.
Thanks Pixie.

I'm of the same thought, Rocky.
Cleared if assault ??? That needs to be looked at.

No it says no sound on the top one, which I checked. The video length is not an issue. Guy naked and defenceless in cell just gets shot at.

I recall when theses shootable cattle prods were introduced in the US we heard the justification was that they are to be used in place of gun use when that was necessary. If that is the sort of justification criteria then how does one justify it use it the case shown ? It's being used just to dominate those labelled as 'the bad guy' for whom anything goes.
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ummmm i think the cell cameras have no sound the ones at the front desk do pick up sound

I agree Svejk. It must simply be too dreadful for words to be struck in the face by somebodies underpants !
if he'd stuck his stinking keks in my face he'd have a lot more to worry about, dirty stinking scrote.
Well, we can only conclude that it is a good job you are not a serving police officer then Svejk !
The Guardian says the police attempted to have the video suppressed...

// Police representatives were allegedly told by Chief Constable of Wiltshire, Patrick Geenty, to ask the Crown Prosecution Service to prevent the footage from being released, according to the Guardian who obtained the evidence.  

The block was attempted despite Mr Dove, the judge, the prosecution, and the defence agreeing it would be in the public interest for it to be published, according to the newspaper. //

If the tazering is above board, and a jury have said so, why the attempt at censorship?

Those Police Commissioners have proved to be a complete waste of time and money. They were supposed to represent the public and make the police more accountable, but fail continually. I hopecLabour quickly abolish them next year.
there's something wrong with you lot.^ no wonder the scum cop the attitude they've developed in recent years.
What exactly was OTT roy ? Some of police are now out of control and we should face up to it.

So you actually believe if the officer had a gun and not a taser, then he would have shot the man?


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