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Should I Make A Run For It?

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Zeuhl | 11:29 Wed 07th May 2014 | News
98 Answers
The police have just phoned me from outside my house.

They are now on their way to my offices to take a DNA cheek swab for a 30 year old murder enquiry in which they have a full DNA profile of the attacker.

Hopefully the technology is reliable

If not, it's been nice knowing you all


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Well done have done your civic duty ! Its not everyday that it gets as exciting as this on AB !.....better than the telly !

/// If we could still trust our Police wholeheartedly than it might be different but those days are sadly over now. ///

Time to step in with the usual "it was no different years ago, we just get to hear about such things more these days"

But I won't.

But I must confess that I am a little confused here, we are forever being told by some, that we should not class all Muslims the same, just because of the crimes committed by a few bad eggs, and yet where our police are concerned the same tolerant understanding doesn't seem to apply to them.
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Why are you bringing Muslims into this AOG?
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did you say office or orifice noodles? LOL

in the office - in the mouth; two scrapey things; one in each side

cheers Mikey.
Looking at the BBC link (posted just above) the police seem especially confident of a result.
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I don't think either Police Officer was a Muslim as far as I could tell but one of them did have a funny handshake.
I echo ummmmm here...why are you trying to bring up Muslims into every thread here on AB ? This has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, unless Zeuhl is a Muslim, and I am sure he would have told us in the past if he was.

Can't you at least wait until there is a suitable topic AOG ?
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Just for the Record .....

No I'm definitely not, nor have I ever been, a Muslim.

If I'm kneeling down in the office it's entirely due to fatigue.
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/// Why are you bringing Muslims into this AOG? ///

I would have thought that was obvious, especially as I have already explained, but go on I will humour you.

It is the comparison I chose to highlight the sheer hypocrisy of those who are always ready to blame the whole of our excellent police service, for the few bad apples in the barrel, but will attack anyone who dares to do the same regarding the Muslim community.

EG. /// If we could still trust our Police wholeheartedly than it might be different but those days are sadly over now. ///
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No I'm definitely not, nor have I ever been, a Muslim.

If I'm kneeling down in the office it's entirely due to fatigue.
No denial about the murder though? Hmmmmmmm

that girl's family must be going through hell all over again, let's hope the police get a result
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The difference is aog that:

muslims is an entire cross section of humanity. Men, women and children from every walk of life you could imagine.

The one factor they share (their religion) does not provide many characteristics of behaviour one could generalise about.

The Police are an organisation which conducts itself in very specific and prescribed circumstances and which has very defined rules of conduct.
The behaviour of officers in a number of cases has displayed behaviours which should not be there - 'tampering with witness statements' for example.

Those well documented cases suggest systemic issues with the organisation not necessarily with individuals.

The two officers who visited me today were very pleasant and professional.

Beyond that I cannot say.

/// This has nothing whatsoever to do with Islam, unless Zeuhl is a Muslim, and I am sure he would have told us in the past if he was. ///

Then has it got anything to do with Plebgate?

/// Can't you at least wait until there is a suitable topic AOG ? ///

Why wait? You don't whenever the chance comes your way to get your anti-police comments in.

/// A Policemans assurance ...what is that worth these days I wonder ? ///

Would it be in order for me to say "A Muslim's assurance ... what is that worth these days I wonder?

But true to form, you never fail to respond, I can see I have touched a few raw nerves again.
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/I can see I have touched a few raw nerves again. /


particularly that old favourite, the Rational Thinking nerve.
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