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Farriercm | 15:26 Sun 25th May 2014 | News
6 Answers
Is it true that Cameron,Osborne,Hague,and IDS are going to appear on Britains Got Talent, or is it just Gossip?,or just a wicked rumour?.


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sounds like something a half-witted moron would dream up to me. what do you think?
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Love it.
Could be as a new boyband - No Direction
Along with that comic duo 'Miliband and Balls'.
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Dear Dave , We are very sorry but we will have to let you go,we are very sorry for the situation, that you have caused. Redundancy Pay will be arranged of course.When that is exhausted you can claim JSA, providing that you give The Bank of Joe Public your bank Balance , We may be able to re- employ you at a later date, like 2020 if you improve your ways.
Signed Joe Public.
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Labour has got Balls,although his name is Ed ,The Cons are a load of Balls.

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