I have a sneaking admiration for the LibDems at the moment as they are the only party which has bad the b*lls to stand up to Farage and tackle him head-on. Admittedly, they are the party with the least to lose by doing so, but refreshing nonetheless. Arguably "wishy-washy" describes the two main parties.
No I'm talking about the fact that only the LibDems it would seem have campaigned on an avowedly pro-EU platform. Of course it isn't popular but politicians get blamed both for NOT listening to people and also for shamelessly courting votes so it seems to me that you might as well be damned for sticking to your principals as be damned for abandoning them.
As for the TV debates - two sessions largely on Farage's pet subject was only ever likely to have one outcome. But at least he had the courage to go for it. I look forward to a debate involving Farage and any other politician on issues other than the EU and Immigration. I suspect a different outcome ...
I have a sneaking admiration for the LibDems at the moment as they are the only party which has bad the b*lls to stand up to Farage and tackle him head-on.
Is that meant to be serious? In the second debate in particular, Clegg looked like a 5th former attempting to belittle a teacher with schoolboy jokery, but failing dismally. It was widely acknowledged that Farage wiped the floor with him.